[PATCH][weston] configure.ac: Add --with-wayland-scanner-path

Jussi Kukkonen jussi.kukkonen at intel.com
Wed May 24 08:32:21 UTC 2017

On 23 May 2017 at 14:51, Quentin Glidic <sardemff7+wayland at sardemff7.net>
>>  >> Also add a AC_SUBST-call (it seems previously the pkg-config value
>>  >> never substituted into Makefiles).
>>  >
>>  > It was, AC_PATH_PROG() does call AC_SUBST().
>> Sure, AC_PATH_PROG() works. As I said, it's the value _from pkg-config_
(if wayland-scanner was not in path) that never makes it into Makefiles.
> That’s not how m4 works.
> AC_SUBST() is expanded at m4 time, so just having AC_PATH_PROG() will
expand AC_SUBST() and thus, the pkg-config value *will* make it to Makefile
just fine.

You are correct and I was confused.

>> For background: the yocto build time pkg-config works fine for pretty
much everything (PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR is used so include and library
paths  just work and ${pc_sysrootdir} could be used to find the buildtime
sysroot in other cases) ... but it doesn't work for finding the build time
_native_ sysroot as we need to do here. Typically this problem is solved by
giving the path via a configure option or by using AC_PATH_PROG().
> So you want to break the simple (cross-compiling) cases to fix something
that doesn’t need fixing?

I think that is not warranted.
* My issue was that every wayland-scanner user was doing something
different, often in a way that required patching in Yocto
* Weston was fine for us but Pekka gave me feedback that lead me to believe
the weston method was not the best solution either

I did my best to try and resolve both issues. It looks like my attempt was
not successful but there should be no reason to say I "want to break"

> If you want to make a patch, it should not introduce a regression.

I think _if_ the goal is to use the same scanner lookup in e.g. mesa and
weston, some use case in one or the other is just bound to have a

> So at this point, we should make a generic patch, ideally (IMO) in
wayland-scanner.m4, and have people test it in all their different setup to
see if it works as expected.
> If you’re not comfortable making one, I’ll do it by this week-end so you
can test it in yours.

I'd be happy with you making a patch -- I don't think I could make a patch
that met your requirements especially WRT this "build-pkg-config" setup.

Thanks again,
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