[PATCH wayland-protocols] Add the wl_drm protocol

Emil Velikov emil.l.velikov at gmail.com
Mon Nov 13 16:27:24 UTC 2017

On 13 November 2017 at 14:52, Emil Velikov <emil.l.velikov at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 13 November 2017 at 14:21, Daniel Stone <daniel at fooishbar.org> wrote:
>> Hi Emil,
>> On 2 November 2017 at 17:09, Emil Velikov <emil.l.velikov at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Import latest version (v2) of the protocol from Mesa.
>>> From the README:
>>> Warning!
>>> The goal is to share the protocol file across Mesa and other low-level
>>> components graphics stack such as libva and Xwayland. File is moved to
>>> wayland-protocols for sharing purposes _only_.
>>> The protocol is _not_ for public use. Furthermore Mesa and others consider
>>> the protocol as deprecated over wl_dmabuf.
>> I suspect the sheer fact that we've recently added it as a stable
>> published protocol would be enough for people to ignore that
>> objection.
>> I have to say that I'm still against this one, for a few reasons.
>> Firstly, yes, VA-API got it wrong: there's no way it should be using
>> unpublished private protocol. Luckily, newer versions of VA-API and
>> the GStreamer integration now have both proper dmabuf integration as
>> well as the notion of simply exporting buffers rather than trying to
>> be a presentation _and_ decoding layer in one, so using a VA-API
>> decoder piped to waylandsink is enough to get it working without
>> wl_drm ever being used. Happy days. (Xwayland is in the same boat:
>> lfrb's patches mean it can use dmabuf instead.)
>> Secondly, apart from VA-API, it's not used generically. It gets
>> published as a side effect of Mesa calling eglBindWaylandDisplayWL(),
>> and the Mesa client code (both in libEGL.so, though the two versions
>> can indeed get out of sync) uses it. Compositors don't explicitly
>> advertise it, and again for the most part clients don't use it.
>> What I worry is that, if we publish it, clients _will_ come to use it
>> despite the warnings, and Mesa will never be able to stop advertising
>> it. Having it be private/unpublished protocol is an implementation
>> detail, but with a published protocol doc, the fact Mesa advertises it
>> will come to be seen as ABI instead. I really, really, don't want to
>> paint ourselves into that corner: wl_drm has always been an awkward
>> special case, but I'd much prefer to kill it off than enshrine its
>> position.
>> There is one gap which zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1 doesn't fill, which is
>> passing a device handle for the composition GPU, as well as maybe
>> another for the scanout device. That would give the allocator enough
>> information to determine correct buffer placement and so on. But if we
>> ignore placement as we do today, just having format + modifiers would
>> be enough for both EGL/Vulkan and VA-API clients which were aware of
>> modifiers to work properly. Drivers without modifiers would still need
>> the GPU device passed down so they can decide which magic tiling mode
>> to use, but that'll go as they get converted over.
>> I'd much prefer to see wl_drm go completely unused where possible on
>> the client side first, then work out a transition plan for Mesa
>> deprecating it, then we can say with a straight face that we're not
>> publishing it because we expect it to disappear.
> Thanks for the elaborate answer Dan.
> Being the more paranoid person (me thinks), I doubt anyone outside of
> existing users will use wl_drm.
> I do see your concern though - let me see if I can figure out a way to
> make it harder to misuse.
> What I am planning here is the de-facto deprecation of wl_drm. It's
> somewhat evil, so I kept is half-hidden.
> Here it is, in all its [evil] glory:
>  - step 1: move wl_drm to wayland-protocols, throw as many obstacles
> needed to prevent average Joe from using it
>  - 2: switch users {Mesa...} to it
>  - 3: in parallel with #2, propose/shout at people that wl_drm will be
> gone soon (tm)
>  - 4: after users have working wl_dmabuf implementation, kill off
> wl_drm from wayland-protocols
>  - 5: roll new wayland-protocols, bump the requirement in users
>  - 6: drop 'dead' code from users
>  - ...
>  - Profit!
> How does that sound? I could add that to the commit message if you prefer.
> FTR Pekka was asking why Mesa doesn't ship/install the file - because
> it leads to a circular dependency.
> Plus people are more likely to misuse it, in said case.
Some more ideas that come to mind:

* by moving the XML we do not make it stable, the protocol already is

* users already depend on wayland-protocols ... to a degree

* moving wl_drm serves as a lovely reminder, same as the version bump later on
"We really want to update $user _away_ from use wl_drm"
"We want to test the !wl_drm codepaths more extensively"

* adding a single toggle in wayland-protocols instead of
--disable-wl-drm in each of three projects

* explicit and annoying enable ^^ ensures
a) people are less likely to misuse
b) people use wl_dmabuf by default

* combinatoric explosion
With separate toggles we have - mesa with wl_drm & vaapi w/o wl_drm etc
Bump wayland-protocols req. across the board - everything is
consistently built w/o wl_drm ;-)

* feature parity for wl_dmabuf codepaths -
EGL_WL_bind_wayland_display, others(?)
This serves as a nice example of the above points ;-)


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