[PATCH libinput 4/4] touchpad: don't turn on the hysteresis on wobbly touchpads, just log it

Peter Hutterer peter.hutterer at who-t.net
Mon Apr 30 05:33:05 UTC 2018

Touchpad hardware is terrible enough that trying to figure out when to enable
the hysteresis is a cat-and-mouse game of "hey, why did it enable on my
perfect touchpad" vs "hey, why is my pointer wobbly again". Which is fun but
gets boring after a while, especially when you're on the receiving end of

Let's move the whole thing to the kernel (sort-of, see next paragraph) and
merely log a message when we detect pointer jitter. This at least makes users
aware that something isn't right, they can click on the link, read the
documentation and fix it.

Now, the kernel can't be trusted with the fuzz value (see
1523d8bb2e066bec297f7a03ce4a0d8cada8f383) but we should still set it in the
EV_ABS overrides, that's the only generic place we have for hardware quirks.

So basically what we do now is:
* if the fuzz is 0, that could mean either "no fuzz, I'm perfect" or "shrug,
  aydunno" [1]
* if the fuzz is 0, we enable wobble detection and log a message, telling the
  user to read some documentation. The hysteresis remains off.
* the user overrides the fuzz value of EV_ABS_... in 60-evdev.hwdb (provided
  by systemd [2]) and hopefully provides a PR for that override so others get
  to benefit too
* after reboot, the libinput-model-quirks udev callout detects a nonzero fuzz,
  sets the kernel fuzz to 0 and 'saves' the value to a udev property (see
  1523d8b). libinput sees that property value and uses it as a margin value
  for the hysteresis.

This sounds insane and yes, it is. Welcome to the club, we have comfy jackets.

But wait, how is this different to the LIBINPUT_MODEL_WOBBLY_TOUCHPAD and
LIBINPUT_MODEL_PRECISE_TOUCHPAD approach we had and then ditched in
48473994c8e60189356feae7b7eae25288e5ac28. Well, not that much actually,
although now:
* the kernel doesn't interfere with input events anymore, so there is no
  doubling up of the hysteresis, leading to weird delta changes
* the fuzz is adjustable per-device and per axis, so those devices that need a
  specific value to be less/more responsive can be adjusted as such.
* issues that are caused by dodgier-than-usual hardware, power supply
  issues, sweaty fingers or otherwise different finger conductivity can be
  worked around by a local hwdb entry.
* using the above as failure case fallback, everyone gets to be happy, except
  possibly the kids from [2].

Included is a tool to 'measure' the fuzz required. At this point it just reads
the properties/axes and then does it's best to auto-generate a hwdb entry that
matches the user's hardware and sets a fuzz value on the device. Ideally this
reduces the number of hand-holding required in bugzillas. There are plenty of
things that can go wrong, so our fallback is still to throw up our hands and
point to the documentation.


[1] bonus points for reading this in a homer simpson voice
[2] or whatever the angry kids use instead of systemd

Signed-off-by: Peter Hutterer <peter.hutterer at who-t.net>
 doc/page-hierarchy.dox          |   1 +
 doc/touchpad-jitter.dox         |  90 ++++++++
 meson.build                     |  10 +
 src/evdev-mt-touchpad.c         |   6 +-
 tools/libinput-measure-fuzz     | 440 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tools/libinput-measure-fuzz.man |  30 +++
 tools/libinput-measure.man      |   3 +
 7 files changed, 578 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 doc/touchpad-jitter.dox
 create mode 100755 tools/libinput-measure-fuzz
 create mode 100644 tools/libinput-measure-fuzz.man

diff --git a/doc/page-hierarchy.dox b/doc/page-hierarchy.dox
index b54d3adf..d7f31bf1 100644
--- a/doc/page-hierarchy.dox
+++ b/doc/page-hierarchy.dox
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 - @subpage t440_support
 - @subpage touchpad_jumping_cursor
 - @subpage absolute_coordinate_ranges
+- @subpage touchpad_jitter
 @page touchscreens Touchscreens
diff --git a/doc/touchpad-jitter.dox b/doc/touchpad-jitter.dox
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6d65894c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/touchpad-jitter.dox
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+ at page touchpad_jitter Touchpad jitter
+Touchpad jitter describes random movement by a few pixels even when the
+user's finger is unmoving.
+libinput has a mechanism called a **hysteresis** to avoid that jitter. When
+active, movement with in the **hysteresis margin** is discarded. If the
+movement delta is larger than the margin, the movement is passed on as
+pointer movement. This is a simplified summary, developers should
+read the implementation of the hysteresis in `src/evdev.c`.
+libinput uses the kernel `fuzz` value to determine the size of the
+hysteresis. Users should override this with a udev hwdb entry where the
+device itself does not provide the correct value.
+ at section touchpad_jitter_fuzz_override Overriding the hysteresis margins
+libinput provides the debugging tool `libinput measure fuzz` to help edit or
+test a fuzz value. This tool is interactive and provides a udev hwdb entry
+that matches the device. To check if a fuzz is currently present, simply run
+without arguments or with the touchpad's device node:
+ at verbatim
+$ sudo libinput measure fuzz
+Using Synaptics TM2668-002: /dev/input/event17
+  Checking udev property... not set
+  Checking axes... x=16 y=16
+ at endverbatim
+In the above output, the axis fuzz is set to 16. To set a specific fuzz, run
+with the `--fuzz=<value>` argument.
+ at verbatim
+$ sudo libinput measure fuzz --fuzz=8
+ at endverbatim
+The tool will attempt to construct a hwdb file that matches your touchpad
+device. Follow the printed prompts.
+In the ideal case, the tool will provide you with a file that can be
+submitted to the systemd repo for inclusion.
+However, hwdb entry creation is difficult to automate and it's likely
+that the tools fails in doing so, especially if an existing entry is already
+Below is the outline of what a user needs to do to override a device's fuzz
+value in case the `libinput measure fuzz` tool fails.
+Check with `udevadm info /sys/class/input/eventX` (replace your device node
+number) whether an existing hwdb override exists. If the `EVDEV_ABS_`
+properties are present, the hwdb overried exists. Find the file that
+contains that entry, most likely in `/etc/udev/hwdb.d` or
+The content of the property is a set of values in the format
+`EVDEV_ABS_00=min:max:resolution:fuzz`. You need to set the `fuzz` part,
+leaving the remainder of the property as-is. Values may be empty, e.g. a
+property that only sets resolution and fuzz reads as `EVDEV_ABS_00=::32:8`.
+If no properties exist, your hwdb.entry should look approximately like this:
+ at verbatim
+evdev:name:Synaptics TM2668-002:dmi:*:svnLENOVO*:pvrThinkPadT440s*:
+ EVDEV_ABS_00=:::8
+ EVDEV_ABS_01=:::8
+ EVDEV_ABS_35=:::8
+ EVDEV_ABS_36=:::8
+ at endverbatim
+Substitute the `name` field with the device name (see the output of
+`libinput measure fuzz` and the DMI match content with your hardware. See
+ at ref hwdb_modifying for details.
+Once the hwdb entry has been modified, added, or created, @ref
+hwdb_reloading "reload the hwdb". Once reloaded, @ref libinput-record
+"libinput record" should show the new fuzz value for the axes.
+Restart the host and libinput should pick up the revised fuzz values.
+ at section kernel_fuzz Kernel fuzz
+A fuzz set on an absolute axis in the kernel causes the kernel to apply
+hysteresis-like behavior to the axis. Unfortunately, this behavior leads to
+inconsistent deltas. To avoid this, libinput sets the kernel fuzz on the
+device to 0 to disable this kernel behavior but remembers what the fuzz was
+on startup. The fuzz is stored in the `LIBINPUT_FUZZ_XX` udev property, on
+startup libinput will check that property as well as the axis itself.
diff --git a/meson.build b/meson.build
index dfbac572..0c592138 100644
--- a/meson.build
+++ b/meson.build
@@ -321,6 +321,7 @@ if get_option('documentation')
 		meson.source_root() + '/doc/tools.dox',
 		meson.source_root() + '/doc/touchpad-jumping-cursors.dox',
 		meson.source_root() + '/doc/touchpad-pressure.dox',
+		meson.source_root() + '/doc/touchpad-jitter.dox',
 		meson.source_root() + '/doc/touchpads.dox',
 		meson.source_root() + '/doc/trackpoints.dox',
 		meson.source_root() + '/doc/what-is-libinput.dox',
@@ -449,6 +450,15 @@ configure_file(input : 'tools/libinput-measure.man',
 	       install_dir : join_paths(get_option('mandir'), 'man1')
+	     install_dir : libinput_tool_path)
+configure_file(input : 'tools/libinput-measure-fuzz.man',
+	       output : 'libinput-measure-fuzz.1',
+	       configuration : man_config,
+	       install : true,
+	       install_dir : join_paths(get_option('mandir'), 'man1')
+	       )
 	     install_dir : libinput_tool_path)
 configure_file(input : 'tools/libinput-measure-touchpad-tap.man',
diff --git a/src/evdev-mt-touchpad.c b/src/evdev-mt-touchpad.c
index ce302e43..e6c0b69f 100644
--- a/src/evdev-mt-touchpad.c
+++ b/src/evdev-mt-touchpad.c
@@ -191,8 +191,10 @@ tp_detect_wobbling(struct tp_dispatch *tp,
 		t->hysteresis.x_motion_history |= (1 << 2);
 		if (t->hysteresis.x_motion_history == r_l_r) {
-			tp->hysteresis.enabled = true;
-			evdev_log_debug(tp->device, "hysteresis enabled\n");
+			evdev_log_info(tp->device,
+				       "Touch jitter detected, your touchpad may need a fuzz setting.\n"
+				       "See %stouchpad_jitter.html for details\n",
+				       HTTP_DOC_LINK);
diff --git a/tools/libinput-measure-fuzz b/tools/libinput-measure-fuzz
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..4a18a90f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/libinput-measure-fuzz
@@ -0,0 +1,440 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# vim: set expandtab shiftwidth=4:
+# -*- Mode: python; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
+# Copyright © 2018 Red Hat, Inc.
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'),
+# to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+# the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+# and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+# Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next
+# paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the
+# Software.
+import os
+import sys
+import argparse
+import subprocess
+    import evdev
+    import evdev.ecodes
+    import pyudev
+except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
+    print('Error: {}'.format(str(e)), file=sys.stderr)
+    print('One or more python modules are missing. Please install those '
+          'modules and re-run this tool.')
+    sys.exit(1)
+DEFAULT_HWDB_FILE = '/usr/lib/udev/hwdb.d/60-evdev.hwdb'
+class tcolors:
+    GREEN = '\033[92m'
+    RED = '\033[91m'
+    BOLD = '\033[1m'
+    NORMAL = '\033[0m'
+def print_bold(msg, **kwargs):
+    print(tcolors.BOLD + msg + tcolors.NORMAL, **kwargs)
+def print_green(msg, **kwargs):
+    print(tcolors.BOLD + tcolors.GREEN + msg + tcolors.NORMAL, **kwargs)
+def print_red(msg, **kwargs):
+    print(tcolors.BOLD + tcolors.RED + msg + tcolors.NORMAL, **kwargs)
+class InvalidConfigurationError(Exception):
+    pass
+class InvalidDeviceError(Exception):
+    pass
+class Device(object):
+    def __init__(self, path):
+        if path is None:
+            self.path = self.find_touch_device()
+        else:
+            self.path = path
+        self.device = evdev.InputDevice(self.path)
+        self.name = self.device.name
+        context = pyudev.Context()
+        self.udev_device = pyudev.Devices.from_device_file(context, self.path)
+    def find_touch_device(self):
+        context = pyudev.Context()
+        for device in context.list_devices(subsystem='input'):
+            if not device.get('ID_INPUT_TOUCHPAD', 0):
+                continue
+            if not device.device_node or \
+                    not device.device_node.startswith('/dev/input/event'):
+                continue
+            return device.device_node
+        print('Unable to find a touch device.', file=sys.stderr)
+        sys.exit(1)
+    def check_property(self):
+        '''Return a tuple of (xfuzz, yfuzz) with the fuzz as set in the libinput
+           property. Returns None if the property doesn't exist'''
+        axes = {
+                0x00: self.udev_device.get('LIBINPUT_FUZZ_00'),
+                0x01: self.udev_device.get('LIBINPUT_FUZZ_01'),
+                0x35: self.udev_device.get('LIBINPUT_FUZZ_35'),
+                0x36: self.udev_device.get('LIBINPUT_FUZZ_36'),
+        }
+        if axes[0x35] is not None:
+            if axes[0x35] != axes[0x00]:
+                raise InvalidConfigurationError('fuzz for ABS_X differs from ABS_MT_POSITION_X')
+        if axes[0x36] is not None:
+            if axes[0x36] != axes[0x01]:
+                raise InvalidConfigurationError('fuzz for ABS_Y differs from ABS_MT_POSITION_Y')
+        xfuzz = axes[0x35] or axes[0x00]
+        yfuzz = axes[0x36] or axes[0x01]
+        if xfuzz is None and yfuzz is None:
+            return None
+        if ((xfuzz is not None and yfuzz is None) or
+            (xfuzz is None and yfuzz is not None)):
+            raise InvalidConfigurationError('fuzz should be set for both axes')
+        return (xfuzz, yfuzz)
+    def check_axis(self):
+        '''
+        Returns a duple of (xfuzz, yfuzz) with the fuzz as set on the device 
+        axis. Returns None if no fuzz is set.
+        '''
+        # capabilities returns a dict with the EV_* codes as key,
+        # each of which is a list of tuples of (code, AbsInfo)
+        #
+        # Get the abs list first (or empty list if missing),
+        # then extract the touch major absinfo from that
+        caps = self.device.capabilities(absinfo=True).get(
+                evdev.ecodes.EV_ABS, []
+               )
+        codes = [cap[0] for cap in caps]
+        if evdev.ecodes.ABS_X not in codes or evdev.ecodes.ABS_Y not in codes:
+            raise InvalidDeviceError('device does not have x/y axes')
+        if (evdev.ecodes.ABS_MT_POSITION_X in codes) != (evdev.ecodes.ABS_MT_POSITION_Y in codes):
+            raise InvalidDeviceError('device does not have both multitouch axes')
+        axes = {
+                0x00: None,
+                0x01: None,
+                0x35: None,
+                0x36: None,
+        }
+        for c in caps:
+            if c[0] in axes.keys():
+                axes[c[0]] = c[1].fuzz
+        xfuzz = axes[0x35] or axes[0x00]
+        yfuzz = axes[0x36] or axes[0x01]
+        if xfuzz is None and yfuzz is None:
+            return None
+        return (xfuzz, yfuzz)
+def print_fuzz(what, fuzz):
+    print('  Checking {}... '.format(what), end='')
+    if fuzz is None:
+        print('not set')
+    elif fuzz == (0, 0):
+        print('is zero')
+    else:
+        print('x={} y={}'.format(*fuzz))
+def handle_existing_entry(device, fuzz):
+    # This is getting messy because we don't really know where the entry
+    # could be or how the match rule looks like. So we just check the
+    # default location only.
+    # For the match comparison, we search for the property value in the
+    # file. If there is more than one entry that uses the same
+    # overrides this will generate false positives.
+    # If the lines aren't in the same order in the file, it'll be a false
+    # negative.
+    overrides = {
+            0x00: device.udev_device.get('EVDEV_ABS_00'),
+            0x01: device.udev_device.get('EVDEV_ABS_01'),
+            0x35: device.udev_device.get('EVDEV_ABS_35'),
+            0x36: device.udev_device.get('EVDEV_ABS_36'),
+    }
+    has_existing_rules = False
+    for key, value in overrides.items():
+        if value is not None:
+            has_existing_rules = True
+            break
+    if not has_existing_rules:
+        return False
+    print_red('Error! ', end='')
+    print('This device already has axis overrides defined')
+    print('')
+    print_bold('Searching for existing override...')
+    # Construct a template that looks like a hwdb entry (values only) from
+    # the udev property values
+    template = [' EVDEV_ABS_00={}'.format(overrides[0x00]),
+                ' EVDEV_ABS_01={}'.format(overrides[0x01])]
+    if overrides[0x35] is not None:
+            template += [' EVDEV_ABS_35={}'.format(overrides[0x35]),
+                         ' EVDEV_ABS_36={}'.format(overrides[0x36])]
+    print('Checking {}... '.format(DEFAULT_HWDB_FILE), end='')
+    fd = open(DEFAULT_HWDB_FILE)
+    found = False
+    lines = [l[:-1] for l in fd.readlines()]
+    fd.close()
+    idx = -1
+    try:
+        while idx < len(lines) - 1:
+            idx += 1
+            line = lines[idx]
+            if not line.startswith(' EVDEV_ABS_00'):
+                continue
+            if lines[idx:idx + len(template)] != template:
+                continue
+            found = True
+            break
+    except IndexError:
+        pass
+    if not found:
+        print_red('not found')
+        print('The device has a hwdb override defined but it\'s not where I expected it to be.');
+        print('Please look at the libinput documentation for more details.')
+        print('Exiting now.')
+        return True
+    print_green('found')
+    print('')
+    # print with a bit of context, just in case
+    prefix = lines[idx - 2:idx]
+    entry = lines[idx:idx + len(template)]
+    print_bold('Probable entry for this device found in line {}:'.format(idx))
+    print('\n'.join(prefix + entry))
+    print('')
+    print_bold('Suggested new entry for this device:'.format(idx))
+    new_entry = []
+    for i in range(0, len(template)):
+        parts = lines[idx + i].split(':')
+        while len(parts) < 4:
+            parts.append('')
+        parts[3] = str(fuzz)
+        new_entry.append(':'.join(parts))
+    print('\n'.join(prefix + new_entry))
+    print('')
+    # Not going to overwrite the 60-evdev.hwdb entry with this program, too
+    # risky. And it may not be our device match anyway.
+    print_bold('You must now:')
+    print('\n'.join((
+        '1. Check the above suggestion for sanity. Does it match your device?',
+        '2. Open {} and amend the existing entry'.format(DEFAULT_HWDB_FILE),
+        '   as recommended above',
+        '',
+        '   The property format is:',
+        '    EVDEV_ABS_00=min:max:resolution:fuzz',
+        '',
+        '   Leave the entry as-is and only add or amend the fuzz value.',
+        '   A non-existent value can be skipped, e.g. this entry sets the ',
+        '   resolution to 32 and the fuzz to 8',
+        '    EVDEV_ABS_00=::32:8',
+        '',
+        '3. Save the edited file',
+        '4. Say Y to the next prompt')))
+    cont = input('Continue? [Y/n] ')
+    if cont == 'n':
+        raise KeyboardInterrupt
+    if test_hwdb_entry(device, fuzz):
+        print_bold('Please test the new fuzz setting by restarting libinput')
+        print_bold('Then submit a pull request for this hwdb entry change to '
+                   'to systemd at http://github.com/systemd/systemd')
+    else:
+        print_bold('The new fuzz setting did not take effect.')
+        print_bold('Did you edit the correct file?')
+        print('Please look at the libinput documentation for more details.')
+        print('Exiting now.')
+    return True
+def test_hwdb_entry(device, fuzz):
+    print('Running udevadm hwdb --update')
+    subprocess.run(['udevadm', 'hwdb', '--update'], check=True)
+    syspath = device.path.replace('/dev/input/', '/sys/class/input/')
+    print('Running udevadm trigger {}'.format(syspath))
+    subprocess.run(['udevadm', 'trigger', syspath], check=True)
+    print_bold('Testing... ', end='')
+    d = Device(device.path)
+    f = d.check_axis()
+    if fuzz == f[0] and fuzz == f[1]:
+        print_green('Success')
+        return True
+    else:
+        print_red('Error')
+        return False
+def write_udev_rule(device, fuzz):
+    '''Write out a udev rule that may match the device, run udevadm trigger and
+    check if the udev rule worked. Of course, there's plenty to go wrong...
+    '''
+    print('')
+    print_bold('Guessing a udev rule to overwrite the fuzz')
+    # Some devices match better on pvr, others on pn, so we get to try both. yay
+    modalias = open('/sys/class/dmi/id/modalias').readlines()[0]
+    ms = modalias.split(':')
+    svn, pn, pvr = None, None, None
+    for m in ms:
+        if m.startswith('svn'):
+            svn = m
+        elif m.startswith('pn'):
+            pn = m
+        elif m.startswith('pvr'):
+            pvr = m
+    # Let's print out both to inform and/or confuse the user
+    template = '\n'.join(('# {} {}',
+                          'evdev:name:{}:dmi:*:{}*:{}*:',
+                          ' EVDEV_ABS_00=:::{}',
+                          ' EVDEV_ABS_01=:::{}',
+                          ' EVDEV_ABS_35=:::{}',
+                          ' EVDEV_ABS_36=:::{}'))
+    rule1 = template.format(svn[3:], device.name, device.name, svn, pvr, fuzz, fuzz, fuzz, fuzz)
+    rule2 = template.format(svn[3:], device.name, device.name, svn, pn, fuzz, fuzz, fuzz, fuzz)
+    print('Full modalias is: {}'.format(modalias))
+    print()
+    print_bold('Suggested udev rule, option 1:')
+    print(rule1)
+    print()
+    print_bold('Suggested udev rule, option 2:')
+    print(rule2)
+    print('')
+    # The weird hwdb matching behavior means we match on the least specific
+    # rule (i.e. most wildcards) first although that was supposed to be fixed in
+    # systemd 3a04b789c6f1.
+    # Our rule uses dmi strings and will be more specific than what 60-evdev.hwdb
+    # already has. So we basically throw up our hands because we can't do anything
+    # then.
+    if handle_existing_entry(device, fuzz):
+        return
+    while True:
+        print_bold('Wich rule do you want to to test? 1 or 2? ', end='')
+        yesno = input('Ctrl+C to exit ')
+        if yesno == '1':
+            rule = rule1
+            break
+        elif yesno == '2':
+            rule = rule2
+            break
+    fname = '/etc/udev/hwdb.d/99-touchpad-fuzz-override.hwdb'
+    try:
+        fd = open(fname, 'x')
+    except FileExistsError as e:
+        yesno = input('File {} exists, overwrite? [Y/n] '.format(fname))
+        if yesno.lower == 'n':
+            return
+        fd = open(fname, 'w')
+    fd.write('# File generated by libinput measure fuzz\n\n')
+    fd.write(rule)
+    fd.close()
+    if test_hwdb_entry(device, fuzz):
+        print('Your hwdb override file is in {}'.format(fname))
+        print_bold('Please test the new fuzz setting by restarting libinput')
+        print_bold('Then submit a pull request for this hwdb entry to '
+                   'systemd at http://github.com/systemd/systemd')
+    else:
+        print('The hwdb entry failed to apply to the device.')
+        print('Removing hwdb file again.')
+        os.remove(fname)
+        print_bold('What now?')
+        print('1. Re-run this program and try the other suggested udev rule. If that fails,')
+        print('2. File a bug with the suggested udev rule at http://github.com/systemd/systemd')
+def main(args):
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+            description='Print fuzz settings'
+    )
+    parser.add_argument('path', metavar='/dev/input/event0',
+                        nargs='?', type=str, help='Path to device (optional)')
+    parser.add_argument('--fuzz',  type=int, help='Suggsted fuzz')
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    try:
+        device = Device(args.path)
+        print_bold('Using {}: {}'.format(device.name, device.path))
+        fuzz = device.check_property()
+        print_fuzz('udev property', fuzz)
+        fuzz = device.check_axis()
+        print_fuzz('axes', fuzz)
+        userfuzz = args.fuzz
+        if userfuzz is not None:
+            write_udev_rule(device, userfuzz)
+    except PermissionError as e:
+        print('Permission denied, please re-run as root')
+    except InvalidConfigurationError as e:
+        print('Error: {}'.format(e.message))
+    except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
+        print('Exited on user request')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main(sys.argv)
diff --git a/tools/libinput-measure-fuzz.man b/tools/libinput-measure-fuzz.man
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..74b319cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/libinput-measure-fuzz.man
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+.TH libinput-measure-fuzz "1"
+libinput\-measure\-fuzz \- measure absolute axis fuzz
+.B libinput measure fuzz [\-\-help] [options]
+.B "libinput measure fuzz"
+tool measures the fuzz for an absolute axis on a kernel device. The current
+implementation does not actually measure anything, it only prints the
+relevant information available and suggests a udev rule.
+This is a debugging tool only, its output may change at any time. Do not
+rely on the output.
+This tool usually needs to be run as root to have access to the
+/dev/input/eventX nodes.
+If a device node is given, this tool opens that device node. Otherwise, this
+tool searches for the first node that looks like a touchpad device and
+uses that node.
+.TP 8
+.B \-\-help
+Print help
+Part of the
+.B libinput(1)
diff --git a/tools/libinput-measure.man b/tools/libinput-measure.man
index 9e52e5e1..09267a97 100644
--- a/tools/libinput-measure.man
+++ b/tools/libinput-measure.man
@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ Print help
 Features that can be measured include
 .TP 8
+.B libinput\-measure\-fuzz(1)
+Measure touch fuzz to avoid pointer jitter
+.TP 8
 .B libinput\-measure\-touch\-size(1)
 Measure touch size and orientation
 .TP 8

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