[ANNOUNCE] wayland 1.16.0

Derek Foreman derek.foreman.samsung at gmail.com
Fri Aug 24 18:28:07 UTC 2018

This is the official release of wayland 1.16.0.

Since RC2, only a test case for the bug that prompted RC2's existence
has been added.

I'm of the opinion that wayland no longer needs to be released in
lock-step with weston, and should be released as necessary when critical
bug fixes or important changes occur.

At this point I don't see a need to schedule a next wayland release, but
if one hasn't occurred when we near the time weston's ready for its next
major release, we can look at what's landed and decide if there's a need.

If that's a bad idea, please speak up!

Derek Foreman (1):
      configure.ac: bump to version 1.16.0 for the official release

Michal Srb (1):
      tests: Demarshalling of very long array/string lengths.

git tag 1.16.0

MD5: 0c215e53de71d6fb26f7102cdc6432d3 wayland-1.16.0.tar.xz
SHA1: 24c63a5045c653dcfa24efd10fa7c7de89aca9ef wayland-1.16.0.tar.xz
SHA256: 4e72c2b56109ccfb6610d776e465f4ca0af2280c9c2f7d5cc23f0ed2548752f5

PGP: https://wayland.freedesktop.org/releases/wayland-1.16.0.tar.xz.sig

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