[PATCH wayland] protocol: Add new wl_shm formats

scott.anderson at collabora.com scott.anderson at collabora.com
Fri Dec 21 09:53:02 UTC 2018

From: Scott Anderson <scott.anderson at collabora.com>

This adds several new wl_shm formats to match the newly added DRM fourcc

Signed-off-by: Scott Anderson <scott.anderson at collabora.com>
 protocol/wayland.xml | 16 ++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+)

diff --git a/protocol/wayland.xml b/protocol/wayland.xml
index ea04623..592a53e 100644
--- a/protocol/wayland.xml
+++ b/protocol/wayland.xml
@@ -298,6 +298,12 @@
       <entry name="argb8888" value="0" summary="32-bit ARGB format, [31:0] A:R:G:B 8:8:8:8 little endian"/>
       <entry name="xrgb8888" value="1" summary="32-bit RGB format, [31:0] x:R:G:B 8:8:8:8 little endian"/>
       <entry name="c8" value="0x20203843" summary="8-bit color index format, [7:0] C"/>
+      <entry name="r8" value="0x20203852" summary="8-bit Red format, [7:0] R"/>
+      <entry name="r16" value="0x20363152" summary="16-bit Red format, [15:0] R little endian"/>
+      <entry name="rg88" value="0x38384752" summary="16-bit RG format, [15:0] R:G 8:8 little endian"/>
+      <entry name="gr88" value="0x38385247" summary="16-bit GR format, [15:0] G:R 8:8 little endian"/>
+      <entry name="rg1616" value="0x32334752" summary="32-bit RG format, [31:0] R:G 16:16 little endian"/>
+      <entry name="gr1616" value="0x32335247" summary="32-bit GR format, [31:0] G:R 16:16 little endian"/>
       <entry name="rgb332" value="0x38424752" summary="8-bit RGB format, [7:0] R:G:B 3:3:2"/>
       <entry name="bgr233" value="0x38524742" summary="8-bit BGR format, [7:0] B:G:R 2:3:3"/>
       <entry name="xrgb4444" value="0x32315258" summary="16-bit xRGB format, [15:0] x:R:G:B 4:4:4:4 little endian"/>
@@ -339,10 +345,20 @@
       <entry name="uyvy" value="0x59565955" summary="packed YCbCr format, [31:0] Y1:Cr0:Y0:Cb0 8:8:8:8 little endian"/>
       <entry name="vyuy" value="0x59555956" summary="packed YCbCr format, [31:0] Y1:Cb0:Y0:Cr0 8:8:8:8 little endian"/>
       <entry name="ayuv" value="0x56555941" summary="packed AYCbCr format, [31:0] A:Y:Cb:Cr 8:8:8:8 little endian"/>
+      <entry name="xrgb8888_a8" value="0x38415258" summary="2 plane 32-bit xRGB + 8-bit A format, [31:0] x:R:G:B 8:8:8:8 little endian, [7:0] A"/>
+      <entry name="xbgr8888_a8" value="0x38414258" summary="2 plane 32-bit xBGR + 8-bit A format, [31:0] x:B:G:R 8:8:8:8 little endian, [7:0] A"/>
+      <entry name="rgbx8888_a8" value="0x38415852" summary="2 plane 32-bit RGBx + 8-bit A format, [31:0] R:G:B:x 8:8:8:8 little endian, [7:0] A"/>
+      <entry name="bgrx8888_a8" value="0x38415842" summary="2 plane 32-bit BGRx + 8-bit A format, [31:0] B:G:R:x 8:8:8:8 little endian, [7:0] A"/>
+      <entry name="rgb888_a8" value="0x38413852" summary="2 plane 24-bit RGB + 8-bit A format, [23:0] R:G:B 8:8:8 little endian, [7:0] A"/>
+      <entry name="bgr888_a8" value="0x38413842" summary="2 plane 24-bit BGR + 8-bit A format, [23:0] B:G:R 8:8:8 little endian, [7:0] A"/>
+      <entry name="rgb565_a8" value="0x38413552" summary="2 plane 16-bit RGB + 8-bit A format, [15:0] R:G:B 5:6:5 little endian, [7:0] A"/>
+      <entry name="bgr565_a8" value="0x38413542" summary="2 plane 16-bit BGR + 8-bit A format, [15:0] B:G:R 5:6:5 little endian, [7:0] A"/>
       <entry name="nv12" value="0x3231564e" summary="2 plane YCbCr Cr:Cb format, 2x2 subsampled Cr:Cb plane"/>
       <entry name="nv21" value="0x3132564e" summary="2 plane YCbCr Cb:Cr format, 2x2 subsampled Cb:Cr plane"/>
       <entry name="nv16" value="0x3631564e" summary="2 plane YCbCr Cr:Cb format, 2x1 subsampled Cr:Cb plane"/>
       <entry name="nv61" value="0x3136564e" summary="2 plane YCbCr Cb:Cr format, 2x1 subsampled Cb:Cr plane"/>
+      <entry name="nv24" value="0x3432564e" summary="2 plane YCbCr Cr:Cb format, non-subsampled Cr:Cb plane"/>
+      <entry name="nv42" value="0x3234564e" summary="2 plane YCbCr Cb:Cr format, non-subsampled Cb:Cr plane"/>
       <entry name="yuv410" value="0x39565559" summary="3 plane YCbCr format, 4x4 subsampled Cb (1) and Cr (2) planes"/>
       <entry name="yvu410" value="0x39555659" summary="3 plane YCbCr format, 4x4 subsampled Cr (1) and Cb (2) planes"/>
       <entry name="yuv411" value="0x31315559" summary="3 plane YCbCr format, 4x1 subsampled Cb (1) and Cr (2) planes"/>

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