Weston headless backend - xvfb-run emulation

Pekka Paalanen ppaalanen at gmail.com
Sat Dec 22 09:36:22 UTC 2018

On Fri, 21 Dec 2018 13:00:12 +0100
Martin Stransky <stransky at redhat.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm working on Firefox/Wayland port on Fedora and there's a need to run 
> Wayland Firefox in headless Wayland session - it's used in build process 
> to perform PGO build, it's used for test runs and so. It's generally 
> what xvfb-run provides - a headless X11 server which launches a single 
> command and quit when the command finishes.
> Is that possible with Weston and any of its backend? I haven't found any 
> reference how to launch firefox inside weston-headles backend 
> automatically so far.


Weston doesn't have any kind of autolaunch feature, but there are
interested people at least for the desktop use case.

Weston's own test suite uses a custom plugin to launch test
clients, but it's not installed. That might be a better approach
for a test suite than a generic desktop app autolaunch, since you
can make the compositor quit and forward the test app exit code.

That plugin is at tests/weston-test.c, and it implements also a
test protocol, but the most relevant part for you is
idle_launch_client(). test_client_sigchld() handles quitting Weston.

We could think of some kind of arrangement to allow using
Weston/headless to run automated tests in other projects
out-of-the-box. Maybe the idle_launch_client() functionality could
be integrated in the headless backend directly... but then we need
more changes in Weston's test suite to allow running the tests with
different backends. Maybe that would be a slightly longer term plan.

Are you only looking for headless launching of apps, or would you
be interested in more features like screenshooting or fake input
events to drive and check tests?

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