[PATCH libinput] CI: Hook up GitLab CI

Peter Hutterer peter.hutterer at who-t.net
Fri Jun 15 06:59:21 UTC 2018

From: Benjamin Tissoires <benjamin.tissoires at gmail.com>

The main tasks it does is build on a few different distros as well as build
with the various build options to make sure they work.It doesn't (yet) run the
test suite runner because that one mostly requires device nodes to operate on.

Most of the fancy is to get the docker images ready. A dnf update takes
forever, so we don't want to do that on 10 different machines. So instead we
build docker images with all the bits pre-installed, push that to the registry
and use those images for testing.

To speed things up, we only do that when the current image is older than a
week. And we only do that when we push to libinput proper, so a merge request
or pushing to your private gitlab repo will never trigger a docker image
update - it will trigger the tests and use the docker images tough.

Co-authored-by: Peter Hutterer <peter.hutterer at who-t.net>
Signed-off-by: Benjamin Tissoires <benjamin.tissoires at gmail.com>
 .gitlab-ci.yml | 411 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 411 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 .gitlab-ci.yml

diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..15fe0594
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+# vim: set expandtab shiftwidth=2 tabstop=8 textwidth=0:
+# This is a bit complicated for two reasons:
+# - we really want to run dnf/apt/... only once, updating on the test runner for
+#   each job takes forever. So we create a docker image for each distribution
+#   tested, then run the tests on this docker image.
+#   Creating a docker image is time-consuming, so we only do so for pushes to
+#   libinput directly (not merge requests) and if the current image is 'old'.
+# - GitLab only allows one script: set per job but we have a bunch of commands
+#   we need to re-run for each build (meson && ninja && etc). YAML cannot merge
+#   arrays templates so we're screwed.
+#   So instead we use a default_build template and override everything with
+#   variables. The only two variables that matter:
+#     MESON_PARAMS=-Denable-something=true
+#     NINJA_ARGS=dist ... to run 'ninja -C builddir dist'
+#   Note that you cannot use scripts: in any target if you expect default_build
+#   to work.
+# All jobs must follow the naming scheme of
+# <distribution>:<version>@activity:
+#  e.g. fedora:28 at build-default
+  - docker_check  # check if the current docker images are up to date
+  - docker_prep   # rebuild the docker images if previous step failed
+  - build         # for actually building things
+  MESON_BUILDDIR: builddir
+  FEDORA_RPMS: 'git gcc gcc-c++ meson check-devel libudev-devel libevdev-devel doxygen graphviz valgrind binutils libwacom-devel cairo-devel   gtk3-devel   glib2-devel    mtdev-devel'
+  UBUNTU_DEBS: 'git gcc g++     meson check       libudev-dev   libevdev-dev   doxygen graphviz valgrind binutils libwacom-dev   libcairo2-dev libgtk-3-dev libglib2.0-dev libmtdev-dev'
+  # When using docker-in-docker (dind), it's wise to use the overlayfs driver
+  # for improved performance.
+  DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2
+.default_artifacts: &default_artifacts
+  artifacts:
+    name: "meson-logs-$CI_JOB_NAME"
+    when: always
+    expire_in: 1 week
+    paths:
+      - $MESON_BUILDDIR/meson-logs
+# The default build instructions
+.default_build: &default_build
+  script:
+   - rm -rf $MESON_BUILDDIR
+   - meson configure $MESON_BUILDDIR
+# special rule to not expose the docker creation runners to other users
+# than those who have set up the CI to push on the registry.
+# Users who have write access to libinput/libinput will have write
+# access to the registry, so the libinput/libinput is a catch-all for
+# our core developers.
+# we can add as many users as we want by adding a new line like:
+#   - $GITLAB_USER_LOGIN == "someone"
+.restrict_docker_creation: &restrict_docker_creation
+  only:
+    variables:
+      # Note: this is a set of logical OR, not AND
+      - $CI_PROJECT_PATH == "libinput/libinput"
+#                                                               #
+#                     docker check stage                        #
+#                                                               #
+.docker-check: &docker_check
+  stage: docker_check
+  services:
+    - docker:dind
+  script:
+    # get the full docker image name (CURRENT_DOCKER_IMAGE still has indirections)
+    # get the date of the current image
+    - docker pull $DOCKER_IMAGE
+    - IMG_DATE="$(docker inspect -f '{{ .Created }}' $DOCKER_IMAGE | cut -dT -f1)"
+    - TODAY_SECS=$(date -u +%s)
+    - IMG_SECS=$(date -u --date="$IMG_DATE" +%s)
+    - echo "today $TODAY_SECS, image $IMG_SECS"
+    # check if image is less than a week old
+    - test $(($IMG_SECS + 604800)) -gt $TODAY_SECS
+    # export an artefact telling the next stage that the image is valid
+    - touch .img_ready
+  artifacts:
+    name: image $CURRENT_DOCKER_IMAGE check
+    expire_in: 20 min
+    paths:
+      - .img_ready
+  allow_failure: true
+  <<: *restrict_docker_creation
+# TODO: check that the RPMS/DEBS are all in the current images
+fedora:28 at docker-check:
+  variables:
+    GIT_STRATEGY: none
+  <<: *docker_check
+fedora:27 at docker-check:
+  variables:
+    GIT_STRATEGY: none
+  <<: *docker_check
+ubuntu:17.10 at docker-check:
+  variables:
+    GIT_STRATEGY: none
+    UBUNTU_VERSION: "17.10"
+  <<: *docker_check
+ubuntu:18.04 at docker-check:
+  variables:
+    GIT_STRATEGY: none
+    UBUNTU_VERSION: "18.04"
+  <<: *docker_check
+#                                                               #
+#                     docker prep stage                         #
+#                                                               #
+# This stage will recreate the docker images only if the previous
+# stage had a build failure, i.e. the image is too old or if it is
+# missing some dependencies.
+.fedora at docker-prep: &fedora_docker_prep
+  stage: docker_prep
+  services:
+    - docker:dind
+  before_script:
+  script:
+    # if the check was successful, we just skip recreating the docker image
+    - test -e .img_ready && exit 0
+    # create a Dockerfile with our dependencies
+    - echo "FROM fedora:$FEDORA_VERSION" > Dockerfile
+    - echo "WORKDIR /app" >> Dockerfile
+    - echo "RUN dnf upgrade -y ; dnf clean all" >> Dockerfile
+    - echo "RUN dnf install -y $FEDORA_RPMS ; dnf clean all" >> Dockerfile
+    # create the docker image
+    - docker build --tag $FEDORA_DOCKER_IMAGE .
+    # push the docker image to the libinput registry
+    - docker push $FEDORA_DOCKER_IMAGE
+  <<: *restrict_docker_creation
+  when: on_failure
+fedora:28 at docker-prep:
+  variables:
+    GIT_STRATEGY: none
+  <<: *fedora_docker_prep
+  dependencies:
+    # Note: we can not use $FEDORA_VERSION here
+    - fedora:28 at docker-check
+fedora:27 at docker-prep:
+  variables:
+    GIT_STRATEGY: none
+  <<: *fedora_docker_prep
+  dependencies:
+    # Note: we can not use $FEDORA_VERSION here
+    - fedora:27 at docker-check
+# FIXME: we should clean up the apt cache between each run
+.ubuntu at docker-prep: &ubuntu_docker_prep
+  stage: docker_prep
+  services:
+    - docker:dind
+  before_script:
+  script:
+    # if the check was successful, we just skip recreating the docker image
+    - test -e .img_ready && exit 0
+    # create a Dockerfile with our dependencies
+    - echo "FROM ubuntu:$UBUNTU_VERSION" > Dockerfile
+    - echo "WORKDIR /app" >> Dockerfile
+    - echo "RUN apt-get update" >> Dockerfile
+    - echo "RUN apt-get install -y software-properties-common" >> Dockerfile
+    - echo "RUN add-apt-repository universe" >> Dockerfile
+    - echo "RUN apt-get update" >> Dockerfile
+    - echo "RUN apt-get install -y $UBUNTU_DEBS" >> Dockerfile
+    # create the docker image
+    - docker build --tag $UBUNTU_DOCKER_IMAGE .
+    # push the docker image to the libinput registry
+    - docker push $UBUNTU_DOCKER_IMAGE
+  <<: *restrict_docker_creation
+  when: on_failure
+ubuntu:17.10 at docker-prep:
+  variables:
+    GIT_STRATEGY: none
+    UBUNTU_VERSION: "17.10"
+  <<: *ubuntu_docker_prep
+  dependencies:
+    # Note: we can not use $UBUNTU_VERSION here
+    - ubuntu:17.10 at docker-check
+ubuntu:18.04 at docker-prep:
+  variables:
+    GIT_STRATEGY: none
+    UBUNTU_VERSION: "18.04"
+  <<: *ubuntu_docker_prep
+  dependencies:
+    # Note: we can not use $UBUNTU_VERSION here
+    - ubuntu:18.04 at docker-check
+# Add some manual runners to be able to recreate the cache on a day
+# the list of the rpms changed
+fedora:28 at force-docker-prep:
+  variables:
+    GIT_STRATEGY: none
+  <<: *fedora_docker_prep
+  when: manual
+  dependencies: []
+fedora:27 at force-docker-prep:
+  variables:
+    GIT_STRATEGY: none
+  <<: *fedora_docker_prep
+  when: manual
+  dependencies: []
+ubuntu:17.10 at force-docker-prep:
+  variables:
+    GIT_STRATEGY: none
+    UBUNTU_VERSION: "17.10"
+  <<: *ubuntu_docker_prep
+  when: manual
+  dependencies: []
+ubuntu:18.04 at force-docker-prep:
+  variables:
+    GIT_STRATEGY: none
+    UBUNTU_VERSION: "18.04"
+  <<: *ubuntu_docker_prep
+  when: manual
+  dependencies: []
+#                                                               #
+#                       build stage                             #
+#                                                               #
+# Fedora
+.fedora at template: &fedora_template
+  stage: build
+  <<: *default_artifacts
+  dependencies: []
+.fedora:28 at template: &fedora_28_template
+  variables:
+  <<: *fedora_template
+.fedora:27 at template: &fedora_27_template
+  variables:
+  <<: *fedora_template
+fedora:28 at default-build:
+  <<: *fedora_28_template
+  <<: *default_build
+fedora:27 at default-build:
+  <<: *fedora_27_template
+  <<: *default_build
+# Below jobs are build option combinations. We only
+# run them on one image, they shouldn't fail on one distro
+# when they succeed on another.
+fedora:28 at build-no-libwacom:
+  <<: *fedora_28_template
+  <<: *default_build
+  variables:
+    MESON_PARAMS: "-Dlibwacom=false"
+fedora:28 at build-no-libwacom-nodeps:
+  <<: *fedora_28_template
+  <<: *default_build
+  variables:
+    MESON_PARAMS: "-Dlibwacom=false"
+  before_script:
+    - dnf remove -y libwacom libwacom-devel
+fedora:28 at build-no-docs:
+  <<: *fedora_28_template
+  <<: *default_build
+  variables:
+    MESON_PARAMS: "-Ddocumentation=false"
+fedora:28 at build-no-docs-nodeps:
+  <<: *fedora_28_template
+  <<: *default_build
+  variables:
+    MESON_PARAMS: "-Ddocumentation=false"
+  before_script:
+    - dnf remove -y doxygen graphviz
+fedora:28 at build-no-debuggui:
+  <<: *fedora_28_template
+  <<: *default_build
+  variables:
+    MESON_PARAMS: "-Ddebug-gui=false"
+fedora:28 at build-no-debuggui-nodeps:
+  <<: *fedora_28_template
+  <<: *default_build
+  variables:
+    MESON_PARAMS: "-Ddebug-gui=false"
+  before_script:
+    - dnf remove -y gtk3-devel
+fedora:28 at build-no-tests:
+  <<: *fedora_28_template
+  <<: *default_build
+  variables:
+    MESON_PARAMS: "-Dtests=false"
+fedora:28 at build-no-tests-nodeps:
+  <<: *fedora_28_template
+  <<: *default_build
+  variables:
+    MESON_PARAMS: "-Dtests=false"
+  before_script:
+    - dnf remove -y check-devel
+fedora:28 at scan-build:
+  <<: *fedora_28_template
+  <<: *default_build
+  variables:
+    NINJA_ARGS: scan-build
+  before_script:
+    - dnf install -y clang-analyzer findutils
+  after_script:
+    - test ! -d $MESON_BUILDDIR/meson-logs/scanbuild && exit 0
+    - test $(find $MESON_BUILDDIR/meson-logs/scanbuild -maxdepth 0 ! -empty -exec echo "not empty" \; | wc -l) -eq 0 && exit 0
+    - echo "Check scan-build results"
+    - /bin/false
+# Ubuntu
+.ubuntu at template: &ubuntu_template
+  stage: build
+  <<: *default_artifacts
+  dependencies: []
+ubuntu:17.10 at default-build:
+  variables:
+    UBUNTU_VERSION: "17.10"
+  <<: *ubuntu_template
+  <<: *default_build
+ubuntu:18.04 at default-build:
+  variables:
+    UBUNTU_VERSION: "17.10"
+  <<: *ubuntu_template
+  <<: *default_build

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