Session suspension and restoration protocol

Simon McVittie smcv at
Tue Jun 19 12:22:02 UTC 2018

On Tue, 19 Jun 2018 at 11:18:17 +0200, Markus Ongyerth wrote:
> On 2018/6月/18 05:05, Roman Gilg wrote:
> > * using D-Bus interface only to secure against sandboxed clients
> What? Why exactly? When I first read this, I expected that the client is 
> supposed to use the portal stuff to call out of a sandbox, but reading through 
> the actual protocol, I think the only usage of D-Bus is to launch the 
> applications from the compositor?

Any app implementing DBusActivatable (see the Desktop Entry Specification
for more details) needs to be able to receive method calls from desktop
infrastructure outside its sandbox anyway. For instance, Flatpak always
allows method calls into the sandbox, while restricting method calls
out of the sandbox according to app-specific rules.

> Since this needs explicit client support either way, IMO this could be 
> implmented by adding a required cmdline argument (e.g.
> --org-freedsktop-restore=UID) instead.

In desktop environments that support it, it's advantageous to launch apps
as D-Bus services, or even as systemd user services if they support
being launched like that (dbus-daemon will automatically delegate
activation to systemd --user where supported), so that they always run
in a reasonably consistent execution environment. If various different
components (compositor, main menu if it's separate from the compositor,
random app that wants to open a web page, etc.) launch an app using
fork-and-exec with the Exec= command line from its .desktop file, then
the app will inherit its execution environment (environment variables,
file descriptors, rlimits, other process flags) from an arbitrary parent
process, depending on the precise details of how they were launched. If
they're DBusActivatable, they'll all be children of systemd --user (if
supported) or dbus-daemon --session (if not), making their execution
environment a lot more predictable.

This indirect launching also avoids doing a fork-and-exec in the
compositor or session manager, which can be problematic under low-memory
conditions: the kernel needs to allocate enough virtual memory space for
a second copy of the parent process (even though the physical memory that
backs it is going to be copy-on-write, and in fork-and-exec it only exists
briefly and is mostly unmodified), and when a compositor has your GPU's
address space mmapped, that's actually a significant practical problem.
I think Endless have had trouble with this in GNOME Shell on 32-bit -
there's easily enough address space to have the GPU mmapped once, but
if GNOME Shell does a fork-and-exec, the child process briefly has the
GPU mmapped for a second time, and there isn't always enough address
space free to do that.

The DBusActivatable protocol doesn't support sending arbitrary
command-line arguments to the launched app, because in general,
command-line arguments are not meaningful for an app that is already
running. (It does support sending the URLs of files to be opened.)
Assuming we want to avoid always having to fall back to fork-and-exec,
which is undesirable for the reasons above, we'll need some way to
pass the state to restore via D-Bus - either a new method call as Roman
proposed here, or the platform_data argument to Activate() as I suggested.

It would be possible to have a D-Bus preferred path and a fork-and-exec
fallback path that are defined to be equivalent, like the Desktop
Entry Specification does now for ordinary launching and for "Desktop
Actions". That would have to work via either a command-line argument or an
environment variable, because in fork-and-exec world those are the only
tools we have. However, the meanings (and even syntax) of command-line
arguments are conceptually "owned" by the app author, not by some third
party like; and environment variables are undesirable
here because they inherit to child processes.

Having two code paths also means that a high-quality implementation has
to test and support both (potentially forever), while in a lower-quality
implementation the less-preferred code path will probably regress at
some point, which is bad if your compositor or app is in the minority
that is relying on it.


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