Positioning and Multi display support for Weston Wayland

Sandeep Chandak ba.sandeep at tataelxsi.co.in
Wed May 16 06:41:08 UTC 2018


We are using Weston Wayland based compositing for our solution, though we are able to render image, video text etc.

We are using x11 backend along with desktop shell to build the solution which requires rendering of multiple media contents (image, videos etc) together. We are using following versions of packages

a)       Weston - version 5.0

b)      Wayland - version 1.15.0

c)       Ubuntu 16.04

d)      Hardware - Intel i5 processors

e)      Cairo - 1.14 with EGL/OpenGL ES enabled

We have below queries for which we need some inputs

a)       Positioning of windows - We would like to position windows to a specific x,y location. However, we see that Weston positions it at a random location. We would like to confirm if positioning of windows to specific location is supported by Weston.

b)      Multi display Support - We need to support following use cases and would like to confirm if this is currently supported by Weston?

*       Cloned display (same content on multiple screens)

*       Extended display/Tiled (Multiple displays are combined to form a single display)

*       Different (Different displays rendering different content)

*       Portrait/Landscape orientation (this we believe is supported via configuring Weston.ini)


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