[PATCHv4 wayland-protocols] text-input: Add v3 of the text-input protocol

Dorota Czaplejewicz dorota.czaplejewicz at puri.sm
Thu May 17 18:02:18 UTC 2018

On Thu, 17 May 2018 18:05:34 +0100
Daniel Stone <daniel at fooishbar.org> wrote:

> Hi Dorota,
> On 3 May 2018 at 16:41, Dorota Czaplejewicz <dorota.czaplejewicz at puri.sm> wrote:
> > - There is no event to send keysyms. Compositors can use wl_keyboard
> >   interface instead.  
> The reason we explicitly chose to have a keysym (really, 'Unicode
> codepoint') event, is to support characters which don't appear in any
> keymap. As a trivial example, emoji keyboards will want to send
> symbols which appear in no sane keymap. Similarly, CJK input methods
> may offer streams of characters pre-composed from component runs; it
> is not practical to insert the entire CJK unicode space into a keymap.
> Cheers,
> Daniel

Hi Daniel,

I think that anyone wanting to support inserting arbitrary Unicode characters should use the text composition requests instead (commit_string and friends). Input methods, especially CJK ones, will make use of that functionality anyway. If removing keysyms makes something impossible, I would rather fix the text composition portion of the protocol.

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