Migrating Wayland & Weston to GitLab

Daniel Stone daniel at fooishbar.org
Tue May 29 09:59:52 UTC 2018


On 7 May 2018 at 16:59, Daniel Stone <daniel at fooishbar.org> wrote:
> Repository migration
> ----------------------------
> [admin hat still on]
> The first thing to happen is to migrate the central Git push point to
> GitLab. anongit.fd.o and cgit will still work as read-only mirrors,
> but you will not be able to push to git.fd.o. This would happen for
> all of wayland, wayland-protocols, weston and wayland-web. libinput we
> could move separately, wayland-build-tools is open to discussion (does
> it still work?), and wayland-java appears to be completely abandoned.
> All this would require is for everyone with push rights to set up
> their GitLab account with SSH keys as per the instructions at [0]. On
> a designated flag day, the push URL would become a GitLab one, and
> direct pushes to git.fd.o would be rejected. Users would be able to
> view and fork the repository at gitlab.fd.o, though not necessarily
> able to do any more than that. Since this is easy and low-impact, I'd
> propose to do this at the end of this week or early next week, if
> there are no objections.

I intend to migrate the wayland/wayland-protocols/wayland-web/weston
repository hosting only (issues disabled, MR submission disabled) this
evening. Anyone trying to push to git.fd.o will get an error message
pointing them to the wiki page telling them how to configure their
remotes and set up their accounts. Anyone having trouble with this is
welcome to contact me and I can help figure it out.

This leaves the wayland-build-tools and wayland-java repositories
orphaned in cgit; both have been inactive for quite some time.

I would like to get the issues migrated as well. In order to do that
though, we need some more fixes to the 'bztogl' migration tool we've
been using to push issues from Bugzilla to GitLab, as well as do
migrations for some other projects which requested to migrate their
issues a while ago. It also needs a fair few changes in order to fix
support for Phabricator task import as well.

But even once those are done, we need to clean up the bugs we're
importing. The plan is to only import open bugs: closed bugs will stay
in Bugzilla/Phabricator forever as a read-only archive, and GitLab
will only have new active issues. I think a sensible transition plan
would be for us to aim to do the import at the end of June, which
means sweeping through all our open bugs before then, closing them if
they're no longer useful or just cleaning up titles/etc to be helpful
in future.

Does anyone have any opinions on this?


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