Wayland Error -"wl_display at 1: error 0: invalid object 12 "

Abhirami Vasudevan v.abhi14 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 7 09:18:43 UTC 2019


The following error is displayed when there is fast switching between
two IVI surfaces .
Error “wl_display at 1: error 0: invalid object 12”

Use case:
Fast switching between two IVI surfaces

Version Used:
Wayland : 1.11.0
Wayland-ivi-extension : 1.10.90

Properties Changed:
The switching is handled by setting the following properties
1. ilm_surfaceSetVisibility (always)
2. ilm_layerSetRenderOrder (always)
3. ilm_surfaceSetOrientation (on orientation change)
4. ilm_surfaceSetOpacity(always)

Console Output:
root at porter:~#LayerManagerControl get scene
screen 0 (0x0)
- resolution:           x=800, y=480
- hardware layer count: 0
- layer render order:   1000(0x3e8),

    layer 1000 (0x3e8)
    - created by pid:       0
    - original size:        x=800, y=480
    - destination region:   x=0, y=0, w=800, h=480
    - source region:        x=0, y=0, w=800, h=480
    - orientation:          0 (up is top)
    - opacity:              1
    - visibility:           1
    - type:                 0 (unknown)
    - surface render order: 100(0x64), 101(0x65), 103(0x67),
102(0x66), 108(0x6c),
    - on screen:            0(0x0)

        surface 100 (0x64)
        - created by pid:       365
        - original size:      x=800, y=480
        - destination region: x=0, y=0, w=800, h=480
        - source region:      x=0, y=0, w=800, h=480
        - orientation:        0 (up is top)
        - opacity:            0
        - visibility:         1
        - pixel format:       0 (R-8)
        - native surface:     0
        - counters:           frame=0, draw=0, update=0
        - on layer:           1000(0x3e8)

        surface 101 (0x65)
        - created by pid:       435
        - original size:      x=800, y=480
        - destination region: x=0, y=0, w=800, h=480
        - source region:      x=0, y=0, w=800, h=480
        - orientation:        0 (up is top)
        - opacity:            1
        - visibility:         1
        - pixel format:       0 (R-8)
        - native surface:     0
        - counters:           frame=0, draw=0, update=0
        - on layer:           1000(0x3e8)

        surface 103 (0x67)
        - created by pid:       768
        - original size:      x=800, y=480
        - destination region: x=0, y=0, w=800, h=480
        - source region:      x=0, y=0, w=800, h=480
        - orientation:        0 (up is top)
        - opacity:            1
        - visibility:         0
        - pixel format:       0 (R-8)
        - native surface:     0
        - counters:           frame=0, draw=0, update=0
        - on layer:           1000(0x3e8)

        surface 102 (0x66)
        - created by pid:       767
        - original size:      x=800, y=480
        - destination region: x=0, y=0, w=800, h=480
        - source region:      x=0, y=0, w=800, h=480
        - orientation:        0 (up is top)
        - opacity:            1
        - visibility:         0
        - pixel format:       0 (R-8)
        - native surface:     0
        - counters:           frame=0, draw=0, update=0
        - on layer:           1000(0x3e8)

        surface 108 (0x6c)
        - created by pid:       555
        - original size:      x=800, y=480
        - destination region: x=0, y=0, w=800, h=480
        - source region:      x=0, y=0, w=800, h=480
        - orientation:        0 (up is top)
        - opacity:            1
        - visibility:         0
        - pixel format:       0 (R-8)
        - native surface:     0
        - counters:           frame=0, draw=0, update=0
        - on layer:           1000(0x3e8)

wl_display at 1: error 0: invalid object 12

Please guide us in resolving this error. Thanks in advance.

Abhirami V

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