xrandr and xwayland

Pekka Paalanen ppaalanen at gmail.com
Mon Aug 2 08:53:53 UTC 2021

On Fri, 30 Jul 2021 23:30:38 +0100
Carsten Haitzler <raster at rasterman.com> wrote:

> On Fri, 30 Jul 2021 16:28:02 +0000 David Deyo <ddeyo at tireprofiles.com> said:
> No - this is up to the compositor itself to do in its own internal ways. Far
> too many abuses have happened over the years with xrandr available to any
> client anywhere. While in theory a wayland compositor could create an extension
> that works like xrandr, it'd be problematic to make it general-access like
> xrandr.


> > 
> > Hello  everyone,
> > 
> > I need to rotate  my screen 90 degrees and back to normal in xwayland on an
> > iMX8 running gatesgarth distro.

Maybe you could explain your top-level use case for this, and the
general system architecture (which relevant programs are running and
what their responsibilities are)?

Quite likely the solution will start by removing Xwayland from the
equation, and to have the compositor you use to automatically apply
that rotation when needed, but how to achieve that depends on your use
case. Can the compositor do it all on its own, does the client need to
synchronise to the orientation change, does the client need to drive
the orientation change, etc.

Also sounds like this might not be a normal desktop system you are
working on, which means you have more options on how to design this
than on normal desktop systems with arbitrary applications.


> > 
> > Does anyone know if xrandr can be coerced/modified to make rotations work?
> > I’m in the middle of xserver, libX11, libxrandr and xrandr source.
> > 
> > How would a client communicating to Xwayland as the xserver request a
> > rotation?  Does Xwayland listen to a unix socket and pass commands on to the
> > kernel?
> > 
> > (Thanks Hans,)
> > 
> > -dwd
> >                                                                          David
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