FW: xrandr and xwayland

David Deyo ddeyo at tireprofiles.com
Fri Aug 6 21:33:44 UTC 2021

Hey Daniel,

It seems if my rotation is 0 or 180, touch works correctly.  Maybe it’s related to whether my button array fits on the screen entirely.

If it’s 90 or 270 (or if the image is partially off-screen), the touch coordinates are off.

Does anyone have any idea where I should look to align the touch with the button array, if the button widget is partially off-screen?


                                                                         David Deyo
[cid:image003.png at 01D78AE0.D0AFD290]

Firmware Engineer
TPI- Tire Profiles
O: 214-396-3063
E:   ddeyo at tireprofiles.com<mailto:ddeyo at tireprofiles.com> | W:  www.tireprofiles.com<http://www.tireprofiles.com/>
A: 3010 Story Rd W, Irving, TX 75038

From: Daniel Stone<mailto:daniel at fooishbar.org>
Sent: Friday, August 6, 2021 3:14 AM
To: David Deyo<mailto:ddeyo at tireprofiles.com>
Cc: Emmanuel Gil Peyrot<mailto:linkmauve at linkmauve.fr>; wayland-devel at lists.freedesktop.org<mailto:wayland-devel at lists.freedesktop.org>
Subject: Re: FW: xrandr and xwayland

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Hi David,

On Thu, 5 Aug 2021 at 22:17, David Deyo <ddeyo at tireprofiles.com> wrote:
> > Sounds like you're missing wl_display_flush() in your client code, so the requests don't make it to the socket buffer until they're forced to because it's filled up.
> That did it.  You guys are awesome.  I don’t suppose there’s a Weston doc somewhere that would have told me that, had I looked.

It's a little bit buried, but this is the best explanation of how to
integrate Wayland into an event loop, as you would with a toolkit:

If you scroll up to the main wl_display section, it explains how event
queues are used as well.

Broadly speaking, the advice is to:
- when active, process your events and send any requests
- immediately before you go into a passive state (waiting for events,
sleeping, etc), flush the display so your requests get delivered
- run the prepare_read_queue() / dispatch_queue_pending() loop
immediately before sleeping, in order to make sure you get all events
queued for you, then flush again in case you've queued any requests
from your event handlers
- poll on the Wayland display FD as well as any other activity sources
(other event queues, timers, etc)
- when you wake up, dispatch your Wayland event queue as well as other
relevant event sources

> > Also, my taskbar is the wrong length and my background is black.  Other than that, pretty cool.
> Yep, desktop-shell isn't designed to handle runtime rotation. It could be made to pretty easily by working on the client code. For your case though I'd assume something like kiosk-shell would be a much better bet.

kiosk-shell is something we have in newer versions of Weston which
sounds like it would work well for your usecases - it's designed to
just run a single application fullscreen. You might want to check out
what we have in git, which will be released as 10.0 in a few weeks'

The rotation patches never got merged because we had some issues with
the IIO integration in particular, but having runtime rotation tests
sure would be nice, and kiosk-shell should at least be a lot easier to
fix than desktop-shell, if it does even need any fixes.


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