xrandr and xwayland

David Deyo ddeyo at tireprofiles.com
Fri Jul 30 16:28:02 UTC 2021

Hello  everyone,

I need to rotate  my screen 90 degrees and back to normal in xwayland on an iMX8 running gatesgarth distro.

Does anyone know if xrandr can be coerced/modified to make rotations work?  I’m in the middle of xserver, libX11, libxrandr and xrandr source.

How would a client communicating to Xwayland as the xserver request a rotation?  Does Xwayland listen to a unix socket and pass commands on to the kernel?

(Thanks Hans,)

                                                                         David Deyo
[cid:image002.png at 01D78535.F4D09430]

Firmware Engineer
TPI- Tire Profiles
O: 214-396-3063
E:   ddeyo at tireprofiles.com<mailto:ddeyo at tireprofiles.com> | W:  www.tireprofiles.com<http://www.tireprofiles.com/>
A: 3010 Story Rd W, Irving, TX 75038

From: Hans de Goede<mailto:hdegoede at redhat.com>
Sent: Friday, July 30, 2021 11:16 AM
To: David Deyo<mailto:ddeyo at tireprofiles.com>
Subject: Re: xrandr and xwayland

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On 7/30/21 4:24 PM, David Deyo wrote:
> Hello Hans,
> Please help.
> I found your name in a git log.
> Do you know if xrandr is expected to work in xwayland?  We really need to find some way to make it work.

xrandr is not really expected to work in xwayland, monitor resolution
configuration is done by the compositor under Wayland, not through xrandr.

There is some emulation for when apps create a single fullscreen window
and then call xrandr to change the resolution, in that case the apps
window will be sized to the requested resoution and Xwayland will
scale the window to fill the entire monitor. This does rely on
the compositor implementing the viewport extension.

I hope this helps, if you need more info please send any
follow up emails to wayland-devel at lists.freedesktop.org
so that the entire Wayland community sees the email and can
help you.



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