[ANNOUNCE] libinput 1.18.0

Peter Hutterer peter.hutterer at who-t.net
Wed Jun 2 03:41:55 UTC 2021

libinput 1.18.0 is now available. Only one device-specific quirk since the
RC1 so here's the usual copy/paste from the RC announcement with the changes
since 1.17.0:

No big new features, just general fixes and polishing everywhere. This is
mostly just flushing the main branch out.

Some of the user-visibile changes are:
- Gestures' unaccelerated motion now matches the accelerated motion (without
  accel, obviously). A bug caused these to be in different scales which
  didn't work overly well for obvious reasons.
- Better gesture detection should reduce the amount of pinch gestures
  detected as two-finger scrolling.
- Pressing the wheel button down now suppresses accidental scroll wheel
- Reworked clickpad detection means we should be more robust for devices
  with broken firmware.

As usual, please see the git shortlog for details.

Neev Parikh (1):
      Update 50-system-asus.quirks to include Asus G15 Zephyrus quirk.

Peter Hutterer (1):
      libinput 1.18.0

git tag: 1.18.0

SHA256: 18c6a286583268d39841348e561fbb4713bde0c643b360f5d8a3f27800afdb9a  libinput-1.18.0.tar.xz
SHA512: 9a834f075d7a1f892416bb6b241eb052f749d3aa883c4b39c0f1c9616c115d6b9a541b587508646fddaf0d3fe57af92fe4629b522d1d51196499e7b523e0aa90  libinput-1.18.0.tar.xz
PGP:  https://www.freedesktop.org/software/libinput/libinput-1.18.0.tar.xz.sig

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