Touchscreen calibration matrix changes

Teemu K maillinglists18 at
Tue Mar 29 12:31:59 UTC 2022


I'm trying to get touch calibration working on Wayland/Weston for
resistive touch. I can get the calibration points and calculate
calibration matrix values, but when I call
libinput_device_config_calibration_set_matrix and then read it back it
would seem that the matrix is changed, but the actual touchscreen does
not indicate so. Ie. if I calibrate the touch clearly wrong it still
behaves like it would have been calibrated perfectly.

If I set the same values to udev rule like this:
ATTRS{name}=="tsc2007", ENV{LIBINPUT_CALIBRATION_MATRIX}="1.29342,
-0.0223598, -0.135092, -0.0272545, -1.11435, 1.04368"

They get taken in use and I can read those values as default values
with libinput_device_config_calibration_get_default_matrix - function.

Is there something else that needs to be done to get the updated
matrix taken in use or is there known issue with Wayland/Weston given
that it is quite old version Wayland 1.17.0/Weston 6.0.1.
Unfortunately I'm stuck with those versions for now.


t. TeemuK

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