Why does Java (XWayland / Weston) resize a Window to 1x1 pixel when HDMI is unplugged (and does not resize back when HDMI is plugged)

Pekka Paalanen ppaalanen at gmail.com
Thu Jun 8 12:37:28 UTC 2023

On Thu, 8 Jun 2023 14:21:31 +0200
Martin Petzold <martin.petzold at tavla.de> wrote:

> I am fixed to this Kernel, will be hard to get Weston 12 running.


why would you say that? Did you try? Or do you mean that building
Weston and a few dependencies (not kernel, not Mesa) from source is too

FWIW, when you unplug the last display, leaving none, then there is no
display area. Weston does not pretend a fake display, there just is
none. I don't know how Xwayland reacts to that, and how that Java suite
reacts to what Xwayland does. Those would be something to look into, if
Weston upgrade does not help.

Xwayland might have a fake something when all real displays are gone,
and maybe nothing then re-associates your app window from the fake
monitor to a real monitor once a real monitor appears again? No idea.

Maybe check what xrandr says while you have no displays connected? That
might give a clue, assuming the Java stack listens to RandR.

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