[ANNOUNCE] wayland-protocols 1.39

Jonas Ådahl jadahl at gmail.com
Fri Dec 20 15:49:43 UTC 2024

wayland-protocols 1.39 is now available.

This new release contains two new protocols:

  * ext-data-control - allow privileged clients to control data devices, e.g. a
  clipboard manager.

  * ext-workspace - receive events about and control workspaces, useful for
  e.g. workspace indicators.

This release also includes the recent governance workflow changes and
clarifications. Mesa is also listed as a member, Simon Zeni was added as a
drm-lease maintainer, and Nick Diego Yamane was added as a xdg-toplevel-drag

Daniel Stone (3):
      governance: Clarify 'member'
      governance: Specify how to change points of contact
      governance: Deprecate wayland-devel@

Heiko Becker (1):
      build: Raise required wayland-scanner version to 1.23.0 for tests

Jonas Ådahl (1):
      build: Bump version to 1.39

Mike Blumenkrantz (3):
      add experimental protocols and their requirements
      governance: introduce workflow improvements
      governance: update NACK usage/restrictions

Neal Gompa (1):
      Add ext-data-control protocol

Nick Diego Yamane (1):
      xdg-toplevel-drag: Add myself as co-maintainer

Simon Ser (1):
      drm-lease: nominate Simon Zeni as maintainer

Victoria Brekenfeld (1):
      Add ext-workspace

YaoBing Xiao (1):
      ext-image-copy-capture: fix the error in the protocol description

git tag: 1.39

SHA256: e1dcdcbbf08e2e0a8a02ee5d9a0be3a6aafc39a4b51fa7e0d2f1a16411cb72fa  wayland-protocols-1.39.tar.xz
SHA512: 480a195ec0846400d93160e3d0a7ba12948ed841835ee4661f54b0101ae0027affd9c0f660a73244786fecd70e4f609830489a6b95e00d750cf2379734aacbe0  wayland-protocols-1.39.tar.xz
PGP:    https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/wayland/wayland-protocols/-/releases/1.39/downloads/wayland-protocols-1.39.tar.xz.sig

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