waypipe not working

Colin Rudakiewicz c.r at cwicz.org
Mon Feb 26 15:36:27 UTC 2024



Have two Centos 9 hosts centos91 ( and centos92 (;
VMWare cloned. Using owner account can ssh (using gnome-terminal) between
the two using private/public key (password-less/no ssh passphrase set).
Firwalled service is stopped and iptables flushed.


1.	From centos91 running:  waypipe ssh owner at centos92 gnome-terminal, a
terminal is launched on centos92 but was expecting to see it on centos91?
Watching both see the following  process get created:


centos91: ssh -R
owner at <mailto:owner at>  waypipe -c none
--unlink-socket -s /tmp/waypipe-server-TEm8CevF.sock --display
wayland-TEm8CevF server gnome-terminal


centos92: waypipe -c none --unlink-socket -s
/tmp/waypipe-server-TEm8CevF.sock --display wayland-TEm8CevF server


2.	From centos91 running:  waypipe ssh owner at centos92 glxgears, get
error: Error: couldn't open display (null). Watching both see the following
process get created:


centos91: ssh -R
owner at <mailto:owner at>  waypipe -c none
--unlink-socket -s /tmp/waypipe-server-PFD6jL7o.sock --display
wayland-PFD6jL7o server glxgears


centos92: bash -c waypipe -c none --unlink-socket -s
/tmp/waypipe-server-PFD6jL7o.sock --display wayland-PFD6jL7o server glxgears


Anyone seen this before?



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