Qustion: Support for Splitting Application Output Across Multiple Displays in Weston

Marius Vlad marius.vlad at collabora.com
Fri Mar 29 10:10:31 UTC 2024

On Fri, Mar 29, 2024 at 06:46:04PM +0900, Yosuke Nakayama wrote:
> Thanks for the quick response.
> > With a (new) shell, or maybe with additions to desktop-shell, it would
> allow the following to create a virtual output:
> Does this mean that the existing shells (xdg-shell, kiosk-shell, ivi-shell,
> etc.) cannot achieve the functionality?
No, not in the sanse I've described earlier (using the
maximized,fullscreen requests).

With desktop-shell, you can create a region that spans all the
outputs, but not with kiosk-shell. I don't know about ivi-shell, but
with ivi-shell you can have other controllers which can problably achieve 
that, but similarly to the new shell, you might have to write it. Might want
to take a look at the wayland-ivi-extension see if it that has something
like that.
> On Fri, Mar 29, 2024 at 5:45 PM Marius Vlad <marius.vlad at collabora.com>
> wrote:
> > On Fri, Mar 29, 2024 at 10:20:50AM +0900, Yosuke Nakayama wrote:
> > > Dear Wayland-devel Community,
> > Hi,
> > >
> > > I am currently exploring the capabilities of Weston, the reference
> > > compositor for Wayland, specifically in the context of an application use
> > > case that I am working on. My goal is to achieve a functionality where
> > the
> > > graphical output of a single application can be divided and displayed
> > > simultaneously across two separate displays. This functionality would
> > > enable part of the application window to be shown on one display and the
> > > rest on another, effectively spanning the application window across
> > > multiple screens.
> > >
> > > From my understanding and current experimentation with Weston, this
> > > particular use case does not seem to be directly supported, but I'm not
> > > sure. Does functionality exist at this time to achieve such a use case?
> > In desktop-shell, maximized and fullscreen xdg-shell calls for a
> > particular will *not* span across multiple outputs, nor there's a way to
> > define a virtual output that will add up multiple physical outputs into
> > a virtual one. For kiosk-shell, windows will be fullscreen'ed to a
> > particular output. That doesn't mean this can't be done. With a (new)
> > shell, or maybe with additions to desktop-shell, it would allow the
> > following to create a virtual output:
> >
> > [virtual-output]
> > output=eDP-1,HDMI-A-1
> > name=MyVirtualOutput-1
> >
> > Then, the compositor will advertise this output as well such that the
> > client can issue a maximized, fullscreen request and have client spanned
> > across those outputs.
> >
> > >
> > > Thank you for your time and assistance!
> > >
> > > Best regards,
> >
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