Full-motion zero-copy screen capture in Weston

Hoosier, Matt Matt.Hoosier at garmin.com
Fri May 24 21:43:58 UTC 2024


I'm interested in finding or contributing some mechanism to get sort of the same effect as a cross between:

weston_output_capture's support for using the DRM_MODE_CONNECTOR_WRITEBACK connectors, and

the streamed orientation of weston_screen_recorder, and

no forced reliance on the GPU to pre-blend the 2D scene – whatever plane blending would otherwise have occurred must still occur when the screen recording mechanism is active

The desktop environments' compositors implement the XDG screencast portal. If I read things correctly, that one deposits the stream of dmabuf frame fds into the Pipewire stream indicated by the user invoking the D-Bus Screencast API.

That doesn't really seem like a starter for doing this in Weston. There was conversation back in 2019 about trying to add zero-copy dmabuf support in Weston's own Pipewire integration, but I think that didn't happen?

Alternately, I see that the remoting plugin on today's main branch supports GStreamer dmabuf allocators. Does this mean that I could build something using a virtual weston_output in the drm-backend?

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