Full-motion zero-copy screen capture in Weston

Pekka Paalanen pekka.paalanen at collabora.com
Fri May 31 08:02:40 UTC 2024

On Thu, 30 May 2024 13:40:15 +0000
"Hoosier, Matt" <Matt.Hoosier at garmin.com> wrote:

> Okay, interesting thoughts on all of that.
> I'm not sure how far I'm going to get toward a complete overhaul of
> the capture mechanism. Maybe it would be useful to know a couple
> things about the current one (weston_output_capture_v1), so that I
> don't commit mistakes that somebody already considered and guarded
> against:
> * Why was it explicitly picked only for still shots? I can image that
> it wouldn't have been a whole lot more work to design this API with a
> bounce-buffering scheme rather than a setup/do-it-once/destroy model.

There was no need for streaming, as it was purely for the test suite.

The test suite is very particular about when and how the shot is taken:
it must be produced by the defined source, and it must be produced on
the very next repaint of the output, exactly once.

Did you mean a buffer pool (queueing/dequeueing) rather than
bounce-buffering? Sure.

> * Why was wl_shm explicitly picked for the buffer type? I was
> thinking here that it would have worked equally well to specify that
> the client must supply a linear-layout buffer manufactured through
> zwp_linux_dmabuf. This would be eligible for direct targeting by the
> GL renderer/KMS writeback, but also can be mapped with gbm_bo_map()
> in the compositor's Pixman backend and/or a client who wants to map
> it to the CPU upon delivery.

Because the test suite specifically needs CPU access to the screenshot.
There was no use yet for dmabuf, and GL-renderer was already doing
glReadPixels() for screenshots.

IOW, all the limitations are just "was not needed yet".

Note, that re-using or extending the protocol extension
weston_capture_v1 for streaming outputs for non-test-suite use cases
may not be the best idea. If the interface needs to be a Wayland
extension, then maybe something from the wlr extensions would suit
better. OTOH, for e.g. Pipewire there would not be a Wayland extension
used at all.

The internal API (weston_output_capture) is very much geared for
weston_capture_v1 only. The internal API might take improving rather
than weston_capture_v1.

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