[ANNOUNCE] wayland-protocols 1.42

Jonas Ådahl jadahl at gmail.com
Mon Mar 24 08:52:11 UTC 2025

wayland-protocols 1.42 is now available.

This release includes a new version of the cursor shape protocol, adding
more cursor shapes, as well as a new version of the tablet protocol,
adding bus type information and support for relative dials.

Jonas Ådahl (1):
      build: Bump version to 1.42

Matthias Clasen (4):
      cursor-shape: Bump protocol version
      cursor shape: Add some docs
      cursor-shape: Add the 'ask' cursor shape
      cursor-shape: Add the 'all-resize' cursor shape

Nick Diego Yamane (1):
      governance: Add chromium as a member project

Peter Hutterer (3):
      tablet: bump the tablet protocol version
      tablet: add a bustype event to the initial burst of tablet events
      tablet: add support for relative dials

Vlad Zahorodnii (1):
      members: Add Xaver Hugl as a KWin point-of-contact

git tag: 1.42

SHA256: 23ba80d410d1200a86fe29592c19766eae8f1c350b67289999e9e7ea12d9f7aa  wayland-protocols-1.42.tar.xz
SHA512: ce85fecbe886264eaeb34c7992d4e493295f57f6213d5a2ec04b3471daee04a4225b1a7e77a27ccf39306074780553ec1383c55af30cc2c78942b40cc5777c1b  wayland-protocols-1.42.tar.xz
PGP:    https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/wayland/wayland-protocols/-/releases/1.42/downloads/wayland-protocols-1.42.tar.xz.sig
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