[Xcb-commit] xcb-util

Jamey Sharp jamey at kemper.freedesktop.org
Thu Apr 20 15:38:55 PDT 2006

 xcb-util/image/.gitignore     |    1 
 xcb-util/image/Makefile.am    |    5 +
 xcb-util/image/test_formats.c |  147 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 152 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

New commits:
diff-tree 030675942bbfe8354320a454c640075faf91054b (from d91e9c9de974b8b517ad289a30de5246a3855016)
Author: Jamey Sharp <jamey at minilop.net>
Date:   Thu Apr 20 15:38:41 2006 -0700

    Add the test app I wrote for trying different pixmap formats. It does not work for XYPixmaps.

diff --git a/xcb-util/image/.gitignore b/xcb-util/image/.gitignore
index aafe1c6..f72f791 100644
--- a/xcb-util/image/.gitignore
+++ b/xcb-util/image/.gitignore
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/xcb-util/image/Makefile.am b/xcb-util/image/Makefile.am
index 738949d..522102f 100644
--- a/xcb-util/image/Makefile.am
+++ b/xcb-util/image/Makefile.am
@@ -15,10 +15,13 @@ pkgconfig_DATA = xcb-image.pc
-noinst_PROGRAMS = test_xcb_image test_xcb_image_shm
+noinst_PROGRAMS = test_xcb_image test_xcb_image_shm test_formats
 test_xcb_image_LDADD = $(LDADD) -L. -lXCBImage
 test_xcb_image_SOURCES = test_xcb_image.c
 test_xcb_image_shm_LDADD = $(LDADD) -L. -lXCBImage
 test_xcb_image_shm_SOURCES = test_xcb_image_shm.c
+test_formats_LDADD = $(LDADD) -L. -lXCBImage
+test_formats_SOURCES = test_formats.c
diff --git a/xcb-util/image/test_formats.c b/xcb-util/image/test_formats.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98b60b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xcb-util/image/test_formats.c
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+#include <X11/XCB/xcb.h>
+#include <X11/XCB/shm.h>
+#include "xcb_image.h"
+#include "xcb_aux.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#define WIDTH 50
+#define HEIGHT 50
+#if 0
+static int xpad(int depth)
+	if(depth <= 8)
+		return 8;
+	if(depth <= 16)
+		return 16;
+	return 32;
+/* FIXME: this function doesn't work correctly for XYPixmaps yet. */
+static XCBImage *create_image(XCBConnection *c, int depth, int format)
+#if 0
+	int pad = (format == ZPixmap ? xpad(depth) : 8);
+	XCBImage *im;
+	int x, y;
+	CARD32 i = 0;
+	printf("Image depth %d, format %d\n", depth, format);
+	im = XCBImageCreate(c, depth, format, 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT, 32, 0);
+	if(!im)
+	{
+		printf("ImageCreate failed.\n");
+		return 0;
+	}
+	im->data = malloc(im->bytes_per_line * HEIGHT * (format == ZPixmap ? 1 : depth));
+	if(!im->data)
+	{
+		XCBImageDestroy(im);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	for(x = 0; x < WIDTH; ++x)
+		for(y = 0; y < HEIGHT; ++y)
+		{
+			XCBImagePutPixel(im, x, y, i);
+			++i;
+			i &= (1 << depth) - 1;
+		}
+	return im;
+static XCBWINDOW create_window(XCBConnection *c, XCBSCREEN *root)
+	static const CARD32 mask = XCBCWEventMask;
+	static const CARD32 values[] = { ExposureMask };
+	unsigned int seq;
+	seq = XCBCreateWindow(c, root->root_depth, w, root->root, 30, 30, WIDTH, HEIGHT, 0, InputOutput, root->root_visual, mask, values).sequence;
+	printf("CreateWindow sequence %d, depth %d\n", seq, root->root_depth);
+	seq = XCBMapWindow(c, w).sequence;
+	printf("MapWindow sequence %d\n", seq);
+	return w;
+static XCBPIXMAP create_pixmap(XCBConnection *c, XCBDRAWABLE d, CARD8 depth)
+	unsigned int seq;
+	seq = XCBCreatePixmap(c, depth, p, d, WIDTH, HEIGHT).sequence;
+	printf("CreatePixmap sequence %d, depth %d\n", seq, depth);
+	return p;
+static XCBGCONTEXT create_gcontext(XCBConnection *c, XCBSCREEN *root)
+	static const CARD32 mask = GCForeground | GCBackground;
+	const CARD32 values[] = { root->black_pixel, root->white_pixel };
+	const XCBDRAWABLE d = { root->root };
+	unsigned int seq;
+	seq = XCBCreateGC(c, gc, d, mask, values).sequence;
+	printf("CreateGC sequence %d\n", seq);
+	return gc;
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+	int screen, depth, format = ZPixmap;
+	XCBSCREEN *root;
+	XCBImage *im;
+	XCBDRAWABLE d, w = { { 0 } };
+	XCBGenericEvent *ev;
+	XCBConnection *c = XCBConnect(0, &screen);
+	if(!c)
+	{
+		printf("Connection failed.\n");
+		exit(1);
+	}
+	root = XCBAuxGetScreen(c, screen);
+	if(argc > 1)
+		format = atoi(argv[1]);
+	if(format == XYBitmap || argc > 2)
+		depth = 1;
+	else
+		depth = root->root_depth;
+	im = create_image(c, depth, format);
+	d.window = create_window(c, root);
+	if(depth != root->root_depth)
+	{
+		w = d;
+		d.pixmap = create_pixmap(c, w, depth);
+	}
+	gc = create_gcontext(c, root);
+	XCBFlush(c);
+	if(im)
+	{
+		while((ev = XCBWaitForEvent(c)))
+		{
+			if(ev->response_type == XCBExpose && ((XCBExposeEvent *) ev)->count == 0)
+			{
+				XCBImagePut(c, d, gc, im, 0, 0, 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
+				if(w.window.xid)
+				{
+					unsigned int seq;
+					seq = XCBCopyPlane(c, d, w, gc, 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT, 0, 0, 1).sequence;
+					printf("CopyPlane sequence %d\n", seq);
+				}
+				XCBFlush(c);
+			}
+			else if(ev->response_type == 0)
+			{
+				XCBGenericError *err = (XCBGenericError *) ev;
+				printf("Error: %d after sequence %d\n", err->error_code, (unsigned int) err->full_sequence);
+			}
+			free(ev);
+		}
+		XCBImageDestroy(im);
+	}
+	XCBDisconnect(c);
+	exit(0);

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