[Xcb-commit] xcb

Jamey Sharp jamey at kemper.freedesktop.org
Fri Sep 22 23:03:06 PDT 2006

 xcb/tools/api_conv.pl |   17 +++++++++++++++--
 1 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

New commits:
diff-tree c3bfb57515024d59f033e3eec03d80518ec2c87c (from 60d98c145d83b7c9821582e1591b8c04b49cff3b)
Author: Jamey Sharp <jamey at minilop.net>
Date:   Fri Sep 22 22:53:17 2006 -0700

    Handle remaining incorrect API translations in api_conv.pl.
    The big change is treating numbers as separate "words" in the
    translation, which leads to funny-looking names like xcb_char_2_b_t, but
    makes more sense than the alternative in other situations and was
    suggested on the mailing list.
    This version still disagrees with Vincent's last proposed XSL, but I
    think my output is now preferable. Hopefully Josh has been thinking
    along the same lines.

diff --git a/xcb/tools/api_conv.pl b/xcb/tools/api_conv.pl
index a780ac3..60d40df 100755
--- a/xcb/tools/api_conv.pl
+++ b/xcb/tools/api_conv.pl
@@ -3,12 +3,22 @@ use strict;
 	%::const = map { $_ => 1 } (
+		# constants in xcb.h
+		# renamed constants
+		"XCBButtonAny",
+		"XCBButton1",
+		"XCBButton2",
+		"XCBButton3",
+		"XCBButton4",
+		"XCBButton5",
+		"XCBHostInsert",
+		"XCBHostDelete",
 	open(CONST, shift) or die "failed to open constants list: $!";
@@ -28,18 +38,21 @@ sub convert($$)
 	return "uint$1_t" if /^CARD(8|16|32)$/;
 	return "int$1_t" if /^INT(8|16|32)$/;
 	return "uint8_t" if $_ eq 'BOOL' or $_ eq 'BYTE';
-	return $_ if /_/ or !/^XCB(.+)/;
+	return $_ if /^[A-Z]*_[A-Z_]*$/ or !/^XCB(.+)/;
 	my $const = defined $::const{$_};
 	$_ = $1;
+	s/^(GX|RandR|XFixes|XP|XvMC)(.)/uc($1) . "_" . $2/e;
 	my %abbr = (
 		"Iter" => "iterator",
 		"Req" => "request",
 		"Rep" => "reply",
-	s/[A-Z](?:[A-Z0-9]*|[a-z0-9]*)(?=[A-Z]|$)/"_" . ($abbr{$&} or lc($&))/eg;
+	s/([0-9]+|[A-Z](?:[A-Z]*|[a-z]*))_?(?=[0-9A-Z]|$)/"_" . ($abbr{$1} or lc($1))/eg;
+	$_ = "_family_decnet" if $_ eq "_family_de_cnet";
 	return "XCB" . uc($_) if $const;
 	$_ .= "_t" unless $fun or /_id$/;

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