[Xcb] drawing a font
Jeremy Kolb
jkolb at brandeis.edu
Mon Dec 6 00:40:02 PST 2004
Hash: SHA1
I think you need to handle the window's expose event. When that event
is received you need to copy the buffer into the window.
Vincent Torri wrote:
| Hello,
| Easy question: how to draw a string with xcb ?? i've spent quite a lot of
| time trying to do that, without success.
| What i do is a bit like Xlib:
| * I query a font
| * I assign the font to a GC
| * I draw a string (in a pixmap) using this GC
| * I copy the pixmap onto my window
| but, nothing is drawn. The code that i use is attached.
| Does someone see what is wrong ?
| Vincent TORRI
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------
| /* gcc -O2 -Wall `pkg-config --cflags --libs xcb` -o xcb_test_font
xcb_test_font.c */
| #include <stdio.h>
| #include <stdlib.h>
| #include <string.h>
| #include <X11/XCB/xcb.h>
| #include <X11/XCB/xcbint.h>
| int
| get_depth(XCBConnection *c,
| XCBSCREEN *root)
| {
| XCBDRAWABLE drawable = { root->root };
| XCBGetGeometryRep *geom;
| geom = XCBGetGeometryReply(c, XCBGetGeometry(c, drawable), 0);
| int depth;
| if(!geom)
| {
| perror("GetGeometry(root) failed");
| exit (0);
| }
| depth = geom->depth;
| fprintf(stderr, "Root 0x%lx: %dx%dx%d\n",
| root->root.xid, geom->width, geom->height, geom->depth);
| free(geom);
| return depth;
| }
| int
| main (int argc, char *argv[])
| {
| XCBConnection *c;
| XCBSCREEN *screen;
| CARD32 mask = 0;
| CARD32 values[2];
| XCBGCONTEXT bgcolor, fgcolor;
| XCBRECTANGLE rect = { 0, 0, 300, 300};
| CARD32 valgc[2];
| CARD32 valfont[1];
| XCBFONTABLE fontable;
| XCBQueryFontRep *fontrep;
| char *fontname;
| char *str = "toto";
| /* Open the connexion to the X server */
| c = XCBConnectBasic ();
| /* Get the first screen */
| screen = XCBConnSetupSuccessRepRootsIter (c->setup).data;
| win.window = screen->root;
| fgcolor = XCBGCONTEXTNew(c);
| mask = GCForeground | GCGraphicsExposures;
| valgc[0] = screen->black_pixel;
| valgc[1] = 0; /* no graphics exposures */
| XCBCreateGC(c, fgcolor, win, mask, valgc);
| bgcolor = XCBGCONTEXTNew(c);
| mask = GCForeground | GCGraphicsExposures;
| valgc[0] = screen->white_pixel;
| valgc[1] = 0; /* no graphics exposures */
| XCBCreateGC(c, bgcolor, win, mask, valgc);
| p.pixmap = XCBPIXMAPNew (c);
| XCBCreatePixmap(c, get_depth (c, screen), p.pixmap, win, 300, 300);
| XCBPolyFillRectangle(c, p, bgcolor, 1, &rect);
| /* Ask for our window's Id */
| win.window = XCBWINDOWNew(c);
| /* Create the window */
| mask = XCBCWBackPixel | XCBCWEventMask;
| values[0] = screen->white_pixel;
| values[1] = ExposureMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask |
| PointerMotionMask | ButtonMotionMask | EnterWindowMask |
| LeaveWindowMask | KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask;
| XCBCreateWindow (c, /* Connection */
| get_depth (c, screen), /* depth */
| win.window, /* window Id */
| screen->root, /* parent window */
| 0, 0, /* x, y */
| 300, 300, /* width, height */
| 10, /* border_width */
| InputOutput, /* class */
| screen->root_visual, /* visual */
| mask, values); /* masks */
| /* Map the window on the screen */
| XCBMapWindow (c, win.window);
| /* The font stuff */
| fontable.font = XCBFONTNew (c);
| fontname = "*-helvetica-*-12-*";
| XCBOpenFont(c, fontable.font, strlen(fontname), fontname);
| fontrep = XCBQueryFontReply (c, XCBQueryFont (c, fontable), 0);
| mask = GCForeground | GCFont;
| valfont[0] = screen->black_pixel;
| valfont[1] = fontable.font.xid;
| gcfont = XCBGCONTEXTNew (c);
| XCBCreateGC (c, gcfont, p, mask, valfont);
| XCBPolyText8(c, p, gcfont, 10, 10, strlen(str), str);
| XCBCopyArea(c, p, win, fgcolor,
| 0, 0, 0, 0, 300, 300);
| XCBSync (c, 0);
| free (fontrep);
| while (1) {}
| return 1;
| }
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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