[Xcb] Use of xcbint.h in tutorial and examples

Josh Triplett josh.trip at verizon.net
Sun Apr 10 15:20:42 PDT 2005

I noticed that the XCB tutorial and examples directly reference the
setup member of the XCBConnection, and include xcbint.h to do so.
Please don't do that.  Use the XCBGetSetup function in the public API,
which takes an XCBConnection and returns the setup member.

Jamey, is there any remaining reason to install xcbint.h at all?  Are
there any users of it besides Xlib/XCB?  I'd like to avoid having
xcbint.h become part of the defacto public API like Xlibint.h has for
Xlib. :)

- Josh Triplett
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