[Xcb] To do

Vincent Torri Vincent.Torri at iecn.u-nancy.fr
Wed Feb 2 10:27:41 PST 2005

On Wed, 2 Feb 2005, Jamey Sharp wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 02, 2005 at 01:35:12AM -0500, Jeremy Kolb wrote:
> > Is there anything sort of easyish thing that needs to get done? Or
> > modifications to glx/randr that need doing?
> Hi, Jeremy!
> The short and not very useful answer is that XCB has a to-do list:
> 	http://xcb.freedesktop.org/wiki/XCBToDo
> But I haven't looked over that list in a while.
> A couple of specific tasks came to mind when I saw your question,
> though.
> A convenience function built on top of XCBPutImage and XCBSHMPutImage
> that uses SHM if available and core X otherwise would be great. This
> is one of the few convenience functions I feel comfortable putting in
> libXCB itself. If that function also split images into chunks smaller
> than 256kB when using core X, that would be nice too (but possibly
> harder).

I have already written the code for XCBImage and all the related
functions. I does not work yet, but i've just finished it yesterday...
After that, i'll see about the shm port of it.

After that, porting evas to xcb will be easy


Vincent Torri

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