[Xcb] To do

Vincent Torri Vincent.Torri at iecn.u-nancy.fr
Mon Feb 7 00:16:38 PST 2005

> The only time I've successfully coded a call to XCBPutImage was when I
> carefully copied code from XImage and then Keith Packard fixed my bugs.
> (So I guess you could say I've never successfully used PutImage.) That
> code is in
> 	http://cvs.cairographics.org/cairo/src/cairo_xcb_surface.c?rev=HEAD&view=auto
> in the _cairo_xcb_surface_set_image function.
> The only other correct use of XCBPutImage that I'm aware of is in David
> Reveman's rendertest program, in
> 	http://cvs.cairographics.org/rendertest/src/xcb.c?rev=HEAD&view=auto
> in the _xcb_render_set_pixels function. (That program turned out to be
> the first test case for XCB's support for the BIG-REQUESTS extension,
> for whatever that's worth.)

ok, it works, but only for the Zpixmap format. There's really no example
with XYPixmap format ?

Vincent Torri

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