[Xcb] To do

Vincent Torri torri at iecn.u-nancy.fr
Fri Feb 11 04:03:45 PST 2005

On Mon, 7 Feb 2005, Jamey Sharp wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 08, 2005 at 07:58:45AM +0100, Vincent Torri wrote:
> > did you receive my private mail ?
> Yes, I did, thanks. :-) I'm recovering from an attempted rocket launch
> over the weekend [1], and can't play with your code for probably a
> couple of days.


> But I expect that, like your tutorial, your code will be just fine. I'd
> encourage you to put it up on the web somewhere so others can help you
> figure out how all this X image crap is supposed to work, even if you
> don't feel the code is ready for public review.

well, i really think that my putimage code should be entirely re-written.
getimage should be good, with small modifications, according to the
putimage rewrite.

I'll put the code somewhere next week.

> You might hit irc.freenode.net#freedesktop to find people who understand
> X image formats, too.

thanks, i'm there, now (my nick is caro) :)


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