[Xcb] Re: Xserver/XCB

John Davidorff Pell jpell.lists at mac.com
Sat Nov 5 00:15:04 PST 2005

My gosh! My amazing and wonderful e-mail application decided to  
attach this message to the end of a thread! I do not mean at all to  
hijack it! :-!

Don't ever get me started on how much Mail (on Mac OS X) needs  
explicit mailing list support. Arg...


On 5 Nov 2005, at 00:04, John Davidorff Pell wrote:

> Hi!
> I have decided to write a new implementation of the X server. My  
> goal is partly educational, but also functional. I plan on writing  
> a new-style rootless X server for Mac OS X. Of course, I do not  
> look forward to writing the on-wire portion of it.
> Long long ago, I read that XCB might take care of that, so  
> naturally I checked just now to see if it was in a usable state. Lo  
> and behold, xcb-xserver is still just a bullet point on the list of  
> possibilities.
> I'm a student and have not yet had the pleasure of exploring the  
> XCB code, so I am unsure how hard it would be to make it work  
> server-side. It seems that the first jump would be to accept an  
> incoming connection (rather then beginning an outbound one), after  
> that it would be mostly just sending events back and forth, no?
> Does XCB implement events that are only ever generated server-side?  
> To do so, I would just need to write them in XML, no?
> Tips and pointers are appreciated!
> JP

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