[Xcb] Wiki spring cleaning

Jamey Sharp jamey at minilop.net
Mon May 1 11:18:56 PDT 2006

Thanks, Ian! This plan looks great.

I'm tempted to drop the word "XCB" from most of the page titles, except
things like XmlXcb and XlibXcb where it's part of the name. The extra
namespacing feels annoyingly redundant. Doing so means auto-linking
won't work for many of these names, but I think that's acceptable.

On Mon, May 01, 2006 at 10:30:20AM -0700, Ian Osgood wrote:
> xcb (one screen introduction, release download, index)
> 	XcbApi

Eventually I suppose we'll replace most of this with a link to the
doxygen documentation...

> 	XlibXcb

I just want to make sure the XlibXcb page has a link to the XCL stuff,
since that's where it came from.

> 	XcbDevelopersGuide (availability, build instructions, resources)
> 		XmlXcb
> 		XcbToDo
> 		XcbDevelopmentPlan (needs an update!)

The development plan should just be deleted. We don't need no steenkin'
plan, no matter what the conclusion of the XCL paper says.

> 		UsingXcb (needs update?)

That's a piece of commentary of historical interest, I guess. It's not
documentation: it's really just a proposal I wrote up right before
giving a WIP talk about it at some USENIX conference, so I could have a
URL to point people at.

I guess that means it goes under XcbHistory.

> 	XcbHistory (papers, acknowledgements, XCL, M4)

It'd be nice to have the papers on their own Publications page so I can
link to them. But while they are technically history, they should be
directly linked from the main page. (They can be linked from History
too, I don't care.) The academic products of this project are an
important part of the work.

Bart: As much as I appreciate PSU's CS department and USENIX for the
support they've given us, does it really make sense to keep the
acknowledgments around? Or should we be extending the list?

> 		XcbCompletedTasks
> 		XcbRationale

I think rationale is developer's documentation. There's a lot of
rationale that still ought to be documented, though, and what's there
has become partially obsolete with Plan 7.

> Proposed front page:
> The X protocol C-language Binding (XCB) is a replacement for Xlib  
> having the advantages of:
> * Small footprint: ...

We should probably produce a Features page or something, that gives a
little more detail about these points and lists what we support as far
as socket protocols, authentication types, ...

This bullet list should then become a sentence or two on the front page
and a link to the Features page, I think.

> You can obtain released versions of XCB from http:// 
> xcb.freedesktop.org/dist .  Follow the instructions from the  
> XcbDevelopersGuide to build, except that you can use released  
> versions of the dependencies, and you don't need git, automake,  
> autoconf, or libtool.

I guess we can refactor the build instructions into "run git and
autofoo" and then a separate page of "make; make install", so that the
instructions in this paragraph can simply point to the latter page.

> The XcbApi is documented. There is also a [http:// 
> gitweb.freedesktop.org/?p=xcb;a=tree;f=xcb/doc/tutorial tutorial].

It's really a shame gitweb doesn't have cvsweb's *checkout* feature. We
should probably either put up a checkout of the tutorial (and the
doxygen documentation?) at xcb.freedesktop.org, or point at Vincent's
copy if he's keeping it up to date there.

Thanks again for looking into this, Ian. It being a wiki, of course, you
can go ahead and get started, and we can shake it down over time.

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