[Xcb] XKB once again

Barton C Massey bart at cs.pdx.edu
Wed Aug 29 13:38:10 PDT 2007

In message <200708290743.18307.hto at arcor.de> you wrote:
> a) What should the c api look like for passing lists of items?
> b) Is xTrue = 1 and xFalse = 0 a given?
> c) What should the API look like for fields in lists of items?
> d) Does anyone mind introducing the <itemlist>/<popcount>-tags? 

I'm not really qualified :-), but here's my offhand answers:

a) I think the question is more about the weird packing
   that's going on here?  The real question is whether the
   client or XCB does the packing: I'm inclined toward the
   former, but only barely.

b) Yes, but...  The intention was never to have to do weird
   hacks to XML-encode the stuff---the XML should be
   considered quite flexible at this point, and we should
   make it easily and directly express whatever is needed.
   While multiplication by a Boolean is clever, we should
   replace it with a proper Boolean operator.

c) See a.

d) Please!


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