[Xcb] about api changes

Vincent Torri vtorri at univ-evry.fr
Tue Jul 10 09:00:09 PDT 2007

Hey !

On Tue, 10 Jul 2007, Thomas Hunger wrote:

> I want to warm up this topic, at least for the changes which I'd like
> to introduce for sure. No. 2 would break the current API! It would be
> great if someone sees any problems/additions now. Then we would not
> need to break the API again.
> 1) Remove the xxx_request_t structures from the headers. They are only
>   needed internally to pack data for requests. The opcode-defines
>   could go as well. Are they useful for anything?

i don't know sufficiently the internals to give an advice, they are 
clearly not needed in a code.

> 2) New naming conventions in structs/replies. The field-names in
>   replies and structs (e.g. nameLen-> name_len in xprint.xml). This
>   could be solved in two ways: a) apply naming filter to all names or
>   b) write them correctly in the xml files.
>   Solution b) has the advantage that in the case someone really needs
>   a name which is not coherent with the naming convention, she could
>   introduce it.

I prefer solution b). I guess that we must increase the version number of 
xcb (minor ? major ?) if we break api.

my 1 cent :)


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