[Xcb] about api changes

Barton C Massey bart at cs.pdx.edu
Sun Jun 10 13:54:02 PDT 2007

In message <200706101208.52454.christophpfister at gmail.com> you wrote:
> It could be reconsidered for a next major api breakage
> (like 2.0 - which will happen _somewhen_ but certainly not
> in the near future). Because I think stuff like *_end(),
> .rem & .index is ugly enough to think again about this ...

Definitely.  We kind of piled the changes out the door last
time.  Perhaps they should have given a more careful review,
but we were eager to get folks actually using the stuff.
At the next API breakpoint we'll have the luxury of sedate
review before we make any changes...

Thanks much for all your comments!


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