[Xcb] x11perf repository

Barton C Massey bart at cs.pdx.edu
Sun Nov 4 23:13:09 PST 2007

In message <e2ed954f0711041635s70002d90teee08518528dbc1f at mail.gmail.com> you wrote:
> On 11/4/07, Barton C Massey <bart at cs.pdx.edu> wrote:
> > Those of you with xcb permissions can find my x11perf repos at
> >   git+ssh://people.freedesktop.org/~bart/git/x11perf.git
> >   git+ssh://people.freedesktop.org/~bart/git/util.git
> > There's a x11perf/STATUS file describing the rough state of
> > things.
> Cool!
> But you didn't need to give us write access to make them accessible, as
> they're already clonable by anybody with a freedesktop account.

I know---I wanted xcb folks to be able to commit, as well.

> > Anybody know how I can make these accessible to the general
> > public from freedesktop.org?
> Those same URLs, without "+ssh", will work for the public at large if
> you create an empty file named "git-daemon-export-ok" in each .git
> directory.

Doh.  Done, thanks.

> If you also run `ln -s ../git ~/public_html/`, then the same URLs will
> also work with the http:// scheme.

Doh!  Done, thanks.  (Actually, in public_html/git/)


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