[Xcb] Endianness question

Peter Harris peter.harris at hummingbird.com
Thu Dec 4 06:46:58 PST 2008

Julien Danjou wrote:
> At 1228374134 time_t, Ulrich Eckhardt wrote:
>>> Input: 1
>> Input: 0
>> IOW, it seems to work.
> No, it does not. Everything is ok except the input hint.
> That's precisely the problem I have in awesome. It returns 0 but it
> should be 1, as xprop shows.

*ding* This is where the light goes on.

> And… I really have no clue right now of what's wrong. :-(

input is defined as uint8_t in the header, when it should be defined as

The ICCCM spec defines it as a CARD32. And it really can't do anything
else, since properties all have to be the same size, so you can't have a
CARD8 in the middle of a 32-bit property set.

Please try the attached. If it works for you, I'll commit.

Peter Harris
     Hummingbird Connectivity - A Division of Open Text
Peter Harris                    http://connectivity.hummingbird.com
Research and Development        Phone: +1 905 762 6001
peter.harris at hummingbird.com    Toll Free: 1 877 359 4866
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