[Xcb] Outsider note for libxcb-1.1.92 (missing xcb_xlib.c et al?)

Peter Harris peter.harris at hummingbird.com
Wed Dec 10 08:30:48 PST 2008

Please don't top-post. It makes it hard to maintain context.

Niskanen Mikko wrote:
> 	I've tried to pull latest packages from X.org mirror,
> 	building everything by hand.	Started with R7.4, 
> 	which incidentally does not have a libX11 package.
> 	Latest libX11 is found in R7.3 tree, which is libX11-1.1.3
> 	and requires xcb-xlib, so I'm a bit confused.

Where did you get libxcb from? The latest libxcb isn't in R7.x either.

> 	I've used ftp.sunet.se mirror to fetch packages.

The latest libX11 appears to be in the pub/X11/ftp.x.org/individual/lib
directory on that server.

Peter Harris
     Hummingbird Connectivity - A Division of Open Text
Peter Harris                    http://connectivity.hummingbird.com
Research and Development        Phone: +1 905 762 6001
peter.harris at hummingbird.com    Toll Free: 1 877 359 4866

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