[Xcb] about xcb_image

Barton C Massey bart at cs.pdx.edu
Fri Feb 22 10:28:50 PST 2008

In message <Pine.LNX.4.64.0802220836110.5428 at grozny.maths.univ-evry.fr> you wrote:
> data is an argb (32 bpp) data of size (w,h), allocated by evas.

But preformatted, or something you're going to draw in?  And
do you want xcb_image_destroy() to free it, or do you want
to free it yourself?

> actually, i looked at the code to know how it works. But it's not 
> completely clear for me.

Me either. :-)  I'll try to find time to work on the
documentation in the next couple of days.

> One thing that surprises me is that i do not need to call
> xcb_image_destroy in evas, now. I don't understand why. In
> addition, valgrind does not complain... Black magic, here.

Something weird is going on here; I'll clean up the
documentation and maybe that will help you debug.


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