[Xcb] missing fields in proto/src/render.xml?

minami minami at mistfall.net
Tue Jul 22 20:57:24 PDT 2008


I'm going to use render extension's gradient from xcb.

Though the requests needed to create pictures:
 - CreateLinearGradient
 - CreateRadialGradient
 - CreateConicalGradient
are already included in xcb/proto/src/render.xml,
their definitions lacks fields to pass list of color-stops.

To create gradients with desired colors, I've tried to add
 - a list of FIXED
 - a list of COLOR
to arguments of xcb_render_create_*_gradient().
(attached patch)

I've just tested xcb_render_create_linear_gradient() but
at least it seems to be working for me.

Is this correct way to add parameters?
or there's a generic way to pass additional arrays with a request?


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