[Xcb] Encoding a certain protocol request

Eamon Walsh ewalsh at tycho.nsa.gov
Mon Mar 3 22:10:15 PST 2008

Eamon Walsh wrote:
> I am trying to encode a reply that consists of a list of foo, where each 
> foo is the following structure:
>   <struct name="ListItem">
>     <field type="ATOM" name="name" />
>     <field type="CARD32" name="object_context_len" />
>     <field type="CARD32" name="data_context_len" />
>     <list type="char" name="object_context">
>       <fieldref>object_context_len</fieldref>
>     </list>
>     <list type="char" name="data_context">
>       <fieldref>data_context_len</fieldref>
>     </list>
>   </struct>
> This is evidently not supported by the stylesheet.  Is there a better 
> way to encode this?
> The CARD32 length for the strings is not a requirement, but the STR8 
> type (256 char max) will not suffice.

Whoops, nevermind, I had some missing padding, and it looks like XCB 
handles this construct just fine.  Sorry for the noise.

Eamon Walsh <ewalsh at tycho.nsa.gov>
National Security Agency

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