[Xcb] [PATCH 0/2] XGE integration into libxcb (for mpx merge)

Peter Hutterer peter at cs.unisa.edu.au
Thu May 8 20:33:32 PDT 2008

As announced on the xorg mailinglist, the merge of mpx into master is coming
up in just two weeks time from now.
-> http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/xorg/2008-May/035225.html

One of the major changes is the integration of the Generic Event extension
(XGE) that allows to re-use opcodes and send events larger than 32 bytes.  The
following patch has been sitting in my libxcb-xge branch for about a year now
and no additional change was needed since (except the whitespace cleanup).

The patch simply ensures that libxcb can detect a GenericEvent (opcode 35),
and then parses the length of the event to pull down the required number of
bytes from the wire.

Please merge this patch into libxcb-master, or provide some comments on how to
improve it. 

A previous request for merge was unanswered
-> http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/xcb/2008-February/003317.html

Until libxcb is XGE-aware, mpx cannot be merged.


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