[Xcb] Recent fixes for bitmap conversions

Ulrich Eckhardt doomster at knuut.de
Wed Oct 1 13:49:42 PDT 2008

The attached program creates a 100x100 pixel window and excludes a pixmap from 
its shape. The pixmap has this form:


You should be able to compile it using

  gcc shape-test.c `pkg-config xcb-shape xcb-image --cflags --libs`

On my PPC machine, the bitmap is garbled with both xcb-image 0.2.1 and 0.3.0. 
When redirecting the output to an x86 machine, it works with both(!) libs.

If there's anything else I should try, just drop me a note.


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A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: shape-test.c
Type: text/x-csrc
Size: 7171 bytes
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Url : http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/xcb/attachments/20081001/4b83f50f/attachment.c 

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