[Xcb] [xcb-util/icccm]: last call for comments before commit...

Arnaud Fontaine arnaud at andesi.org
Fri Sep 12 13:56:33 PDT 2008

>>>>> "Barton" == Barton C Massey <bart at cs.pdx.edu> writes:


    Barton>  Indentation.   We   generally  don't  encourage  whitespace
    Barton> patching, including  indentation, unless it's really, really
    Barton> broken.  But if you and Julien want it I'm fine with it.

I know that it's discouraged, however the indentation was really broken,
that's why  I indented the code  this way (it  was awful to work  on the
code before ;)).   I thought 2-spaces indentation is  fine as some files
in xcb-util already use this kind of indentation, but if you want, I can
use a tab like Julien suggested.

Arnaud Fontaine

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