[Xcb] Massive strlen removal and xcb_connect common code merge

Julien Danjou julien at danjou.info
Tue Apr 7 05:45:04 PDT 2009


Sorry to spam this list again, but I've been working a bit on the
XCB code today. :-)

Reading some code I finally found more things I didn't like very much,
so I rewrote them.
This include removal of useless calls to strlen. I think these patches
are ok, but I was not able to test it since I don't use things like
decnet to connect to my X server (actually I even know nothing about
DECnet sockets and I do not want to know about).

The merge of xcb_connect seems fine also, and as far as I know, did
not break anything here.

Julien Danjou
// ᐰ <julien at danjou.info>   http://julien.danjou.info
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