[Xcb] Bug#516072: Bug#516072: libxcb_1.1.93-1(hppa/experimental): FTBFS: conflicting types for 'xcb_get_atom_name_name'

Julien Danjou julien at danjou.info
Sat Feb 21 00:49:31 PST 2009

At 1235192746 time_t, Antoine Latter wrote:
> I'm guessing that this is trying to compile libxcb 1.1.93 against
> xcb-proto-1.4  (which includes patch 52d0702).
> Is this something that's supposed to work?  Is there something here to
> be worried about?

No, I don't worry.
libxcb 1.2 compiles with xcb-proto 1.4, that's enough to me. :)
I'll close this bug as soon as 1.2 enters sid, but we're currently
being held by a multithread bug in libX11.

Julien Danjou
// ᐰ <julien at danjou.info>   http://julien.danjou.info
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