[Xcb] Fwd: [Bug 458092] Crashes with BadIdChoice X errors

Julien Danjou julien at danjou.info
Mon Mar 30 01:50:50 PDT 2009

At 1237937358 time_t, Barton C Massey wrote:
> Thanks much for the reminder. My apologies for the huge
> delay.
> Attached is what I think is the right patch.  I haven't
> committed it since I haven't had a chance to test it at all
> yet.  If somebody else wanted to verify and then commit it,
> that would be great.

I've used it for a while and saw no probem.
Therefore I've pushed your patch.

Thanks much Bart.

Julien Danjou
// ᐰ <julien at danjou.info>   http://julien.danjou.info
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