[Xcb] [PATCH v3] Support xcb_discard_reply

Peter Harris pharris at opentext.com
Tue Feb 9 13:55:09 PST 2010

On 2010-02-08 22:31, Jamey Sharp wrote:
> It looks like you can't discard a reply to a request sent via socket
> handoff. I don't think it's a feature that needs to be implemented right
> now, but it probably should be documented that this combination doesn't
> work. (Unless it does, and I'm just confused.)

It looks like it ought to work if handoff didn't specify any flags.

If handoff *did* specify flags, there's not much (sane) we can do with
the current implementation, aside from just marking the whole batch for
discard, which probably isn't what you want (unless you're from the
future, using libxcb2 and deal entirely with batches... but I digress).

I've updated the documentation for v3 of the patch.

> There are some code style mismatches: tabs instead of spaces,

The rest of the file mixes tabs and spaces for indent. There is a space
after some of the ifs. I guess I chose the wrong style in each case.

> braces not on their own line.

I have no excuse for not matching the file's style here.

> How about this?
>     for(prev_pend = &c->in.pending_replies; *prev_pend; prev_pend = &(*prev_pend)->next)

Looks good.

Thanks for the review. v3 attached.

Peter Harris
               Open Text Connectivity Solutions Group
Peter Harris                    http://connectivity.opentext.com/
Research and Development        Phone: +1 905 762 6001
pharris at opentext.com            Toll Free: 1 877 359 4866
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