[Xcb] [PATCH] Open the X11 socket with close-on-exec flag

Barton C Massey bart at cs.pdx.edu
Mon Feb 15 16:16:28 PST 2010

In message <e2ed954f1002151605x189f71b6ne446edd658a6d30f at mail.gmail.com> you wrote:
> 2010/2/15 Barton C Massey <bart at cs.pdx.edu>:
> > In message <87y6iv2bdx.fsf at vertex.dottedmag> you wrote:
> >>> Some reason why the child doesn't just close the connection?
> >>
> >> Child has literally no idea that the connection is there.
> >
> > I'm not getting it? =C2=A0The child is a fork of the parent; the
> > parent presumably knew the connection was there, since it
> > presumably opened it.
> It's a modularity issue. One component opened the X connection;
> another called fork(), usually promptly followed by exec(). Then the
> child has lost any record that it's sharing an FD with the parent,
> unless it goes probing the kernel's FD table.

That's what I thought.

IMHO this is an application problem, not specific or
interesting to XCB, and we shouldn't make it our problem.
Just saying.


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